You knew this was coming... *GIF*
: I agree, but the problem, I think, isn't that this character is showing skin
: or is heavily sexualized, it's that in comics and games, and in film and
: music and more, female characters are often sexualized, and more often
: for no good reason. A male character can be handsome or ugly, dark or
: comedic, stoic or a jerk, emotional or practical, or a myriad of all these
: elements, evolving and dimensional, like a real person. But female
: characters are often not given such a range. They get shoehorned into one
: of a few cliches. They're either sexy and likeable, or to balance it out,
: taken to another extreme of bitchy hard-ass. So it isn't the sexualization
: in the one instance, it's the cliches and tropes of the whole. But because
: the individual makes up that whole, people are offended by continuing
: examples of overdone, unrealistic, unrelatable female sex objects.
: This Metal Gear lady could very well have a interesting character, but if she
: doesn't, combined with her appearance, just adds to that ocean of
: one-dimensional female stereotypes. There's obviously also an ocean of
: male stereotypes across the road, it's just little deeper and slightly
: more subtle. Honestly, I think a lot of the issue isn't stemming from
: sexist creators - just unimaginative ones.