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: Wow. Just wow.
: She seems to be a chameleon character similar to Mystique from X-Men. Of
: course, since she's not blue, she is 'disgusting.' Because making a naked
: character's skin blue makes it artsy or something? (Hashtag Cortana)
: Dropping ad-hominem attacks straight after sure is mature too.
: What's really disgusting, TBH, is that a supposed professional can't give
: another professional the barest hint of benefit of the doubt and instead
: overreacts like the worst possible example of an ignorant mainstream news
: outlet.
I remember my wife's first reaction to seeing Cortana in Halo 4. It went something like this, "well.......isn't she......interesting?" "Did they HAVE to make her look so overly sexual?" I said "no, but this what the developer assumes us guys want to see?" I think the way Cortana was depicted in Halo 4 was unnecessary. I would rather see females depicted in games like the females Cog soldiers were in the Gears of War games. But that's just my opinion!