: Interesting he hasn't called out any of the other things Kojima has done as
: disgusting: -The ability to feel the breasts of every female character in
: the game (Policenauts)
: -Main character wants to fuck a 14 year old girl (Snatcher)
: -Sniff the panties of and catch naked in the shower that same girl (Snatcher)
: -Main character calls other people Fags (Policenauts)
: -Shake the controller and Rose's breasts jiggle (MGS4)
: -Every character in the game sexually assaults the main character in an
: effort to determine his sex (MGS2)
: -Spy on a woman in her underwear (MGS)
: -Dig through a character's medical records, violating her privacy and
: detailing some embarrassing operations (MGS 3)
: Panties in a bunch over nothing guys.
So this couldn't possibly be a consistent issue of Kojima and his team being perverts, with Quiet only being the most recent addition attempting to be justified.