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Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostal
Date: 8/15/14 9:15 am

: And you are asking a really great question, though. I tend to dismiss the
: Halo fatigue argument. There seems to be a large demand for Halo. Halo 4
: sold like no one's business. The game absolutely sucked, and the
: population said screw this. That's not fatigue. Those sales wouldn't have
: been there if it was fatigue. The Halo 5 Beta is probably going to get a
: ton of play. I bet even Halo 5 sells pretty well. The demand is there. The
: supply sucked, and the fact that they're having a Beta THIS FAR OUT from
: launch makes me think the supply will continue to suck.

: I had a ton more typed out, but I deleted it. I think the above gets my point
: across. I completely agree with RC's post, aside from the MCC part. I want
: that. I'm not happy about it, but yeah.

Wait, so you're upset they're doing what you want?

Messages In This Thread

If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalgiaRC Master8/14/14 1:56 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalMacGyver108/14/14 2:30 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalUrban Reflex8/14/14 2:34 pm
           Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalscarab8/14/14 3:56 pm
                 Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalscarab8/14/14 4:00 pm
                 +1 *NM*Quirel8/14/14 4:51 pm
                 Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalyakaman8/14/14 6:16 pm
                       Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostaluberfoop8/14/14 7:53 pm
                             Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalyakaman8/15/14 8:34 am
                                   Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/15/14 3:35 pm
                                   Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalBanditORR8/17/14 7:29 pm
                       Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/14/14 9:03 pm
                             Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostaldavidfuchs8/15/14 9:15 am
                                   Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/15/14 3:38 pm
           Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalQuirel8/14/14 5:54 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalCody Miller8/14/14 3:12 pm
           Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalRC Master8/14/14 4:10 pm
                 Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/14/14 9:08 pm
                       Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalCody Miller8/14/14 9:23 pm
                       You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?MacGyver108/15/14 4:06 pm
                             Re: You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?Avateur8/15/14 4:10 pm
                                   Re: You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?MacGyver108/15/14 4:43 pm
                                         Re: You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?Avateur8/15/14 5:15 pm
     I don't understand these postsRevenant19888/14/14 3:36 pm
           Agreeddavidfuchs8/14/14 3:43 pm
           The feels, manRC Master8/14/14 4:05 pm
                 Re: The feels, manRevenant19888/14/14 4:30 pm
     I look for a Pearl of Wisdom in these posts,DEEP NNN8/14/14 4:12 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalscarab8/14/14 4:25 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalBosticman8/14/14 4:37 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalChris101b8/14/14 5:14 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalQuirel8/14/14 6:05 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalGravemind8/14/14 8:27 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalthebruce08/14/14 11:25 pm

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