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Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostal
Date: 8/14/14 4:25 pm

: It all says to me that 343i don't really
: know what they're doing with Halo. I'm not sure they ever did.

That is my impression.

And they need to take more notice of the messages that they are sending out.

The discussion of the Waypoint successor was like a bad flashback to the xbone launch. It sounded very TV oriented, interactive TV, programming, network. The choice of wording set the wrong tone. It wasn't for gamers.

Interactive programming doesn't excite me. (in my guise as a gamer)
Investment systems don't excite me.
Customer engagement, tracking customer journeys, targeted content... I understand the importance of that stuff. I know why 343i thinks that it is important. They aren't wrong but those aren't the messages that they should be putting out to the customers. Someone mixed up a board presentation with a gamer site chat. Wrong message for the wrong audience.

Do they need a new spin doctor?

They come across as corporate. Is corporate stifling who they are or are we seeing them as they really are? Where is the soul of 343i's Halo? Where is the heart?

Messages In This Thread

If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalgiaRC Master8/14/14 1:56 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalMacGyver108/14/14 2:30 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalUrban Reflex8/14/14 2:34 pm
           Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalscarab8/14/14 3:56 pm
                 Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalscarab8/14/14 4:00 pm
                 +1 *NM*Quirel8/14/14 4:51 pm
                 Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalyakaman8/14/14 6:16 pm
                       Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostaluberfoop8/14/14 7:53 pm
                             Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalyakaman8/15/14 8:34 am
                                   Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/15/14 3:35 pm
                                   Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalBanditORR8/17/14 7:29 pm
                       Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/14/14 9:03 pm
                             Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostaldavidfuchs8/15/14 9:15 am
                                   Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/15/14 3:38 pm
           Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalQuirel8/14/14 5:54 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalCody Miller8/14/14 3:12 pm
           Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalRC Master8/14/14 4:10 pm
                 Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/14/14 9:08 pm
                       Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalCody Miller8/14/14 9:23 pm
                       You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?MacGyver108/15/14 4:06 pm
                             Re: You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?Avateur8/15/14 4:10 pm
                                   Re: You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?MacGyver108/15/14 4:43 pm
                                         Re: You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?Avateur8/15/14 5:15 pm
     I don't understand these postsRevenant19888/14/14 3:36 pm
           Agreeddavidfuchs8/14/14 3:43 pm
           The feels, manRC Master8/14/14 4:05 pm
                 Re: The feels, manRevenant19888/14/14 4:30 pm
     I look for a Pearl of Wisdom in these posts,DEEP NNN8/14/14 4:12 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalscarab8/14/14 4:25 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalBosticman8/14/14 4:37 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalChris101b8/14/14 5:14 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalQuirel8/14/14 6:05 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalGravemind8/14/14 8:27 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalthebruce08/14/14 11:25 pm

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