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Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostal
Date: 8/14/14 8:27 pm

: I feel pretty jaded and my interest in Halo is at an all-time low.

: 343i tries copying mechanics from other games. Does so poorly. Tries to
: introduce own modes at the exclusion of beloved ones. They're hardly
: played. Player activity drops off a cliff and never recovers.

: What to do? Stick to your guns and improve the implementation? Go in a
: totally new direction?

: Or ditch it all and try to re-create 'the glory days', instead? Yep, that's
: the one. Go with that.

I actually like how they're going back to Halo's roots. Halo didn't need loadouts, and it sure as hell didn't need COD-style Skinner box crap. I think Halo works best when its MP is on a level playing field. Halo 4 just didn't quite feel like Halo. I don't mind if Halo borrows things from other games, but only if it doesn't clash with the core "feel" of Halo. There's plenty of games with custom loadouts and Skinner boxes, and Halo doesn't need to be one of them. If they were going to emulate another popular shooter, I'd rather seem them retool Invasion as a truly large-scale 16v16 Battlefield-style gametype with giant maps. Invasion, Invasion Slayer, and even Dominion have a lot of similarities with BF's Conquest and Rush modes, but the teams and levels are just a lot smaller in Halo. Cranking up the scale would be easy.

: If Halo were multi-platform it'd still be on the radar. Alas, it's a victim
: of the corporate game we call the 'console wars.' Always has been, I
: suppose.

Well, you may get your wish if the XBO keeps selling like it does. Unless it turns around, I think the Xbox division stands a good chance of getting axed and MS Studios going third-party after this generation.

In any case, I don't mind getting an XBO as a "Halo Box." It does have other exclusives that interest me as well, including Gears and Crackdown. I'll probably have the least amount of games for it than any other system this generation, but enough to justify the purchase.

Messages In This Thread

If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalgiaRC Master8/14/14 1:56 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalMacGyver108/14/14 2:30 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalUrban Reflex8/14/14 2:34 pm
           Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalscarab8/14/14 3:56 pm
                 Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalscarab8/14/14 4:00 pm
                 +1 *NM*Quirel8/14/14 4:51 pm
                 Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalyakaman8/14/14 6:16 pm
                       Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostaluberfoop8/14/14 7:53 pm
                             Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalyakaman8/15/14 8:34 am
                                   Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/15/14 3:35 pm
                                   Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalBanditORR8/17/14 7:29 pm
                       Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/14/14 9:03 pm
                             Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostaldavidfuchs8/15/14 9:15 am
                                   Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/15/14 3:38 pm
           Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalQuirel8/14/14 5:54 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalCody Miller8/14/14 3:12 pm
           Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalRC Master8/14/14 4:10 pm
                 Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalAvateur8/14/14 9:08 pm
                       Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalCody Miller8/14/14 9:23 pm
                       You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?MacGyver108/15/14 4:06 pm
                             Re: You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?Avateur8/15/14 4:10 pm
                                   Re: You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?MacGyver108/15/14 4:43 pm
                                         Re: You don't think Halo was an arena shooter?Avateur8/15/14 5:15 pm
     I don't understand these postsRevenant19888/14/14 3:36 pm
           Agreeddavidfuchs8/14/14 3:43 pm
           The feels, manRC Master8/14/14 4:05 pm
                 Re: The feels, manRevenant19888/14/14 4:30 pm
     I look for a Pearl of Wisdom in these posts,DEEP NNN8/14/14 4:12 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalscarab8/14/14 4:25 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalBosticman8/14/14 4:37 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalChris101b8/14/14 5:14 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalQuirel8/14/14 6:05 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalGravemind8/14/14 8:27 pm
     Re: If copying rivals doesn't work, play on nostalthebruce08/14/14 11:25 pm

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