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Re: So, Nightfall and MCC flopped huh?
Date: 1/19/15 1:10 pm
In Response To: So, Nightfall and MCC flopped huh? (kornman00)

: Haven't watched or played either, but I've heard nothing but unfavorable
: things. I guess the MCC is lucky that it has TUs and nostalgia waves to
: ride on :p

As someone who has not been able to experience either MCC or Nightfall, I am officially in the Wait and See category for H5...with heavy emphasis on the Wait.

I cannot imagine a worse way for things to have gone for 343 - at least H5 beta has (generally) not been a disaster, though I know there are definite strong opinions there as well.

I am certain 343 will try to do everything to deliver with H5, but for the first time I'm starting to wonder if they can. I'm not trying to trivialize how difficult it is to do what they are trying to do. I respect the difficulty of the task.

Messages In This Thread

Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/18/15 3:51 am
     Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/18/15 6:43 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandPkmnrulz2401/18/15 8:02 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/18/15 8:21 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/19/15 3:39 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 11:21 am
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:34 am
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandJaydee1/20/15 11:35 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandRC Master1/19/15 4:25 pm
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:03 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 8:48 am
     Re: Hurting The Halo Brandserpx1/18/15 11:29 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArteenEsben1/18/15 1:33 pm
     Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/18/15 3:21 pm
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/18/15 10:32 pm
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 8:49 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 8:50 am
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 9:16 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 9:09 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo Brandthebruce01/19/15 10:50 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 11:29 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 1:56 pm
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 2:54 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGravemind1/19/15 3:36 pm
                                   Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 5:06 pm
                                         Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/19/15 5:34 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 8:19 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:19 am
                                   Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/20/15 1:12 pm
                                         Impossible. This is the internet.Quirel1/20/15 3:45 pm
                                               Also:Quirel1/20/15 3:50 pm
                                               Re: Impossible. This is the internet.Cody Miller1/20/15 5:04 pm
                                                     Re: Impossible. This is the internet.Quirel1/21/15 5:09 am
     So, Nightfall and MCC flopped huh?kornman001/18/15 9:50 pm
           Re: So, Nightfall and MCC flopped huh?yakaman1/19/15 1:10 pm

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