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Re: Hurting The Halo Brand
Date: 1/19/15 9:09 am
In Response To: Re: Hurting The Halo Brand (davidfuchs)

: I think the moral of the story here is less "343 taking more care with
: how they tell their stories" and more "343 taking more care with
: who they give the IP to."

: Not to say 343 doesn't share responsibility for bad Halo products, but I
: think a lot of the problems with the production are probably more related
: to Ridley Scott's team, and 343's issue was with oversight.

Oversight is a pretty common problem with 343i's output. They either don't have much in the way of quality control over their own products, or they're absolute rubbish at recognizing quality or the lack thereof (also evidenced by the way they hired some Marvel C-lister as their lead writer). Or they simply don't care, knowing that there's always people who will buy their stuff either way.

Nightfall is a very baffling case because of the scale and scope of the project in that it somehow managed to turn out worse than some of the comics (except Initiation and Escalation's Didact arc). One can justify auxiliary media like the comics being mostly subpar and at worst terrible, but a relatively big investment like Nightfall missing its mark so badly is very alarming to say the least. You would've expected them to learn their lesson from the Traviss disaster and keep a closer eye on material released under the Halo brand.

But then the "expanded universe" fanbase, especially the vocal part thereof, is a very marginal minority and 343i seems to treat them as such; it seems that only the competitive MP-playing fans get acknowledged nowadays.

Messages In This Thread

Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/18/15 3:51 am
     Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/18/15 6:43 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandPkmnrulz2401/18/15 8:02 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/18/15 8:21 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/19/15 3:39 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 11:21 am
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:34 am
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandJaydee1/20/15 11:35 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandRC Master1/19/15 4:25 pm
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:03 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 8:48 am
     Re: Hurting The Halo Brandserpx1/18/15 11:29 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArteenEsben1/18/15 1:33 pm
     Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/18/15 3:21 pm
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/18/15 10:32 pm
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 8:49 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 8:50 am
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 9:16 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 9:09 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo Brandthebruce01/19/15 10:50 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 11:29 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 1:56 pm
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 2:54 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGravemind1/19/15 3:36 pm
                                   Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 5:06 pm
                                         Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/19/15 5:34 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 8:19 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:19 am
                                   Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/20/15 1:12 pm
                                         Impossible. This is the internet.Quirel1/20/15 3:45 pm
                                               Also:Quirel1/20/15 3:50 pm
                                               Re: Impossible. This is the internet.Cody Miller1/20/15 5:04 pm
                                                     Re: Impossible. This is the internet.Quirel1/21/15 5:09 am
     So, Nightfall and MCC flopped huh?kornman001/18/15 9:50 pm
           Re: So, Nightfall and MCC flopped huh?yakaman1/19/15 1:10 pm

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