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Re: Hurting The Halo Brand
Date: 1/20/15 11:35 am
In Response To: Re: Hurting The Halo Brand (Quirel)

: True, true. I knew from the get-go that Ridley Scott would have little
: involvement with the project.

: That said, his name was a draw, wasn't it? Before we had the name Nightfall
: (and even afterwards) the miniseries was known as Ridley Scott's Halo
: project. It wasn't Micheal Colter's name on it, it wasn't "The Xbox
: One Halo Miniseries".

: Not that much different from Steven Spielberg, come to think of it.

: Um... wow.

: Does IMDB have a source for that?
: I guess not. And I can't see Microsoft sinking that much into a miniseries
: either.

To be fair Hollywood is corrupted as hell. That, and as the previous poster mentioned, a name is a draw, hence why actors and directors are paid insane amounts of money even if it's for a crappy movie.

Still, I recall the initial negotiations for a Halo film fell through because of radically different cultures and money splits nobody agreed on. It is possible MS invested money thinking this time it'd go well given the names on board, but then went very out of control.

Messages In This Thread

Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/18/15 3:51 am
     Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/18/15 6:43 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandPkmnrulz2401/18/15 8:02 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/18/15 8:21 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/19/15 3:39 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 11:21 am
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:34 am
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandJaydee1/20/15 11:35 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandRC Master1/19/15 4:25 pm
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:03 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 8:48 am
     Re: Hurting The Halo Brandserpx1/18/15 11:29 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArteenEsben1/18/15 1:33 pm
     Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/18/15 3:21 pm
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/18/15 10:32 pm
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 8:49 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 8:50 am
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 9:16 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 9:09 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo Brandthebruce01/19/15 10:50 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 11:29 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 1:56 pm
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 2:54 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGravemind1/19/15 3:36 pm
                                   Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 5:06 pm
                                         Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/19/15 5:34 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 8:19 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:19 am
                                   Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/20/15 1:12 pm
                                         Impossible. This is the internet.Quirel1/20/15 3:45 pm
                                               Also:Quirel1/20/15 3:50 pm
                                               Re: Impossible. This is the internet.Cody Miller1/20/15 5:04 pm
                                                     Re: Impossible. This is the internet.Quirel1/21/15 5:09 am
     So, Nightfall and MCC flopped huh?kornman001/18/15 9:50 pm
           Re: So, Nightfall and MCC flopped huh?yakaman1/19/15 1:10 pm

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