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Re: Hurting The Halo Brand
Date: 1/18/15 11:29 am
In Response To: Hurting The Halo Brand (Cody Miller)

: So I watched all of nightfall. I have to say, I question 343's choice to do
: it the way they did. It's obvious they didn't have the talent or money to
: make it correctly, and in doing so put something out that was at best
: poor, and at worst laughable. Either way, I think it hurts the Halo brand
: when you put out bad stuff.

: In a sense, not doing it at all would have been preferable over doing it
: poorly. I just hope 343 starts taking more care with how they tell their
: stories.

Yeah, I would have rather they put out a message detailing how they'd rather not release Nightfall due to the quality not being up to Halo par. Yes, they would've lost money they couldn't make back, but they may risk losing even more money by screwing with the Halo brand.

Messages In This Thread

Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/18/15 3:51 am
     Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/18/15 6:43 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandPkmnrulz2401/18/15 8:02 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/18/15 8:21 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/19/15 3:39 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 11:21 am
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:34 am
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandJaydee1/20/15 11:35 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandRC Master1/19/15 4:25 pm
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:03 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 8:48 am
     Re: Hurting The Halo Brandserpx1/18/15 11:29 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArteenEsben1/18/15 1:33 pm
     Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/18/15 3:21 pm
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/18/15 10:32 pm
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 8:49 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 8:50 am
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 9:16 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo BrandArchilen1/19/15 9:09 am
           Re: Hurting The Halo Brandthebruce01/19/15 10:50 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 11:29 am
                 Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 1:56 pm
                       Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 2:54 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGravemind1/19/15 3:36 pm
                                   Re: Hurting The Halo BrandCody Miller1/19/15 5:06 pm
                                         Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/19/15 5:34 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo Branddavidfuchs1/19/15 8:19 pm
                             Re: Hurting The Halo BrandQuirel1/20/15 6:19 am
                                   Re: Hurting The Halo BrandGrizzlei1/20/15 1:12 pm
                                         Impossible. This is the internet.Quirel1/20/15 3:45 pm
                                               Also:Quirel1/20/15 3:50 pm
                                               Re: Impossible. This is the internet.Cody Miller1/20/15 5:04 pm
                                                     Re: Impossible. This is the internet.Quirel1/21/15 5:09 am
     So, Nightfall and MCC flopped huh?kornman001/18/15 9:50 pm
           Re: So, Nightfall and MCC flopped huh?yakaman1/19/15 1:10 pm

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