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Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.
By:General Vagueness
Date: 3/13/13 11:27 am

: Exactly! EXACTLY!!!

: With my system this would ONLY happen once in a blue moon.

In theory, yes; in practice, some poor unfortunate soul is going to go up against better players all day/week/month and go "screw this game, I'm going to play something else".

: The rest of the time you would randomly play people, normal people, average
: people, and rarely, bad people.

That assumes most players have an average skill level. If you look at it in certain mathematical ways, that's true, but in other ways, including how it feels, it might not be true. If you have something backing up your statement I'd like to see it.

Messages In This Thread

Join in progress - what are your thoughts on it?Moorpheusl93/10/13 10:00 am
     Re: Join in progress - what are your thoughts on iStephen L. (SoundEffect)3/10/13 10:38 am
     Re: Join in progress - what are your thoughts on isharpsniper993/10/13 1:04 pm
           Re: Join in progress - what are your thoughts on iRevenant19883/10/13 2:41 pm
     To quote AM: "Hate. Hate."SonGoharotto3/10/13 1:40 pm
     I don't get it.Revenant19883/10/13 2:39 pm
     Re: Join in progress - what are your thoughts on iBry3/10/13 3:11 pm
     Needs to be improved, but I'm glad it's in.Jaydee3/10/13 4:15 pm
     Ok in theory but poor implementation *NM*RC Master3/10/13 6:05 pm
     Re:Join in progress- what are your thoughts on it?General Vagueness3/10/13 6:23 pm
     Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.profhalo3/10/13 9:38 pm
           Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.Louis Wu3/10/13 10:12 pm
                 Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.pete_the_duck3/10/13 10:36 pm
                 Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.profhalo3/10/13 10:53 pm
                 Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.Alexis3/11/13 5:23 am
           Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.General Vagueness3/11/13 11:30 am
                 Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.General Vagueness3/11/13 11:31 am
                       Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.profhalo3/11/13 4:44 pm
                             Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.Louis Wu3/11/13 8:15 pm
                                   Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.profhalo3/12/13 10:24 am
                                         Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.General Vagueness3/13/13 11:27 am
                             Re: Quit bans still exist in Halo 4 people.General Vagueness3/13/13 11:21 am
     It's awesomeDervish3/11/13 12:28 am
           Re: It's awesomeGeneral Vagueness3/11/13 11:24 am
                 Re: It's awesomeBry3/11/13 1:36 pm
                       Re: It's awesomeGeneral Vagueness3/13/13 11:12 am
                             Re: It's awesomeBry3/14/13 9:12 am
                                   Re: It's awesomeGeneral Vagueness3/14/13 9:27 pm
                                         Re: It's awesomeBry3/15/13 4:38 am
                                               Re: It's awesomeGeneral Vagueness3/15/13 7:24 pm
                                                     Re: It's awesomeZackDark3/15/13 7:41 pm
                                                           Re: It's awesomeGeneral Vagueness3/16/13 5:00 pm
                                                     Re: It's awesomeBry3/17/13 6:00 pm
                                                           Re: It's awesomeGeneral Vagueness3/18/13 1:22 pm
                                                                 Re: It's awesomeZackDark3/18/13 7:05 pm
     Re: Join in progress - what are your thoughts on iSEspider3/18/13 5:24 am
           Re: Join in progress - what are your thoughts on iGeneral Vagueness3/18/13 1:34 pm

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