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Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.
Date: 8/14/14 3:03 am
In Response To: Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause. (Morpheus)

: ???

: Yeah, let's Forge a speeding train. XD

: And rails to guide it on, too. ;-)

: You're missing the point--technically ANY Halo map can be remade in Forge.
: And how many friggin' versions of Blood Gulch do we already have--
: official maps from Halo developers alone, NOT counting all the
: user-created Forge remakes?!?

: But without the dedication, the possibility of comparison, and most
: important--the GIMMICK--it's nothing. Anyone could Forge a remake of
: Waterworks--but you can't Forge in all those stalactites that have been
: famously legendary for splattering countless inattentive Banshee pilots!
: You can't Forge a speeding train, or a functioning gate or an infinitely
: looping elevator. That's why we ask the studios, and that's why they
: ignore us.

: Have you seen Forge 2.0 in Reach? Jesus , everything's just GRAY! A
: disappointing, depressing, endlessly generic, sometimes even confusing ONE

: As great as Forge is, and has become--it still can't do everything. We need
: the designers. That's why people fight so hard(and lose) to get less
: popular, but more FUN and UNIQUE ideas available to widespread public.

You act as if those maps are not being included in the game. Those stalactites are still there, and so is the speeding train. Just because they aren't giving you the maps that you want doesn't mean that they are ignoring you. In fact, it proves the opposite. Their job isn't to go to you for all of their map-making needs, they went to the community. They looked at what the fans loved. They looked at the maps that DEFINED Halo 2. Those are the maps that they chose to recreate. Sure, you could look at Waterworks and say "Hey, it would be cool to see a recreation of that." but you know that there is someone out there who wants to see Desolation, Backwash, Containment, and Elongation. Someone somewhere wants to have their favorite map recreated, what makes the ones that you want special? The best that they could do was look at the communities favorites, the maps that truly defined Halo 2. And if you don't like the 6 that they pick, you can still all of your favorites. If I don't see Turf, I am going to be disappointed, but I'm not going to yell at 343 and say that they are ignoring me because of a map decision, because at the end of the day, they didn't have to give me a recreated map. They didn't have to give me the old maps, they didn't have to give me campaign or Forge, heck they didn't even have to give me Halo 1-4 again. But they did. Only 6 maps were going to be chosen, be thankful for what we do have and realize that it is a truly amazing time to be a Halo fan.

Messages In This Thread

Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsSEspider8/13/14 3:29 pm
     Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsAloyisus8/13/14 3:51 pm
     Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsMariachi8/13/14 5:18 pm
     Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsChris101b8/13/14 5:25 pm
           Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsChris101b8/13/14 5:30 pm
                 Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsUrban Reflex8/13/14 6:09 pm
           Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsSEspider8/13/14 8:34 pm
     Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Morpheus8/13/14 6:41 pm
           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Avateur8/13/14 7:14 pm
                 Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Ragashingo8/14/14 1:37 am
           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.serpx8/13/14 10:27 pm
                 Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Morpheus8/14/14 1:06 am
                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Chris101b8/14/14 3:03 am
                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/14/14 6:32 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Chris101b8/15/14 3:39 am
                                         Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/17/14 12:35 pm
                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Morpheus8/17/14 6:43 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Avateur8/17/14 6:55 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Louis Wu8/18/14 10:53 am
                                         Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.munky-0588/18/14 11:36 am
                                               Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Gravemind8/18/14 12:44 pm
                                                     Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.munky-0588/18/14 4:00 pm
                                                           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Gravemind8/18/14 8:22 pm
                                                                 Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Quirel8/19/14 1:49 pm
                                                                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.BanditORR8/20/14 9:20 am
                                                                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.thebruce08/20/14 9:30 am
                                                                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Quirel8/21/14 4:06 am
                                                           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Avateur8/18/14 8:37 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Jironimo8/20/14 4:30 pm
                                         Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.thebruce08/21/14 11:48 am
                                         Hmm.Morpheus8/27/14 7:42 pm
                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.thebruce08/14/14 9:45 am
                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.serpx8/14/14 10:18 am
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/14/14 6:37 pm
                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/14/14 6:24 pm
                 Actually, You Know What?Morpheus8/14/14 1:13 am

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