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Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A maps
Date: 8/13/14 5:25 pm

They were only picking the most popular maps to recreate in the game. With that comes that hard fact that you aren't always going to see YOUR favorite maps in the lineup. Looking at your maps, I have some big disagreements.

: -Waterworks No
: -Terminal Maybe
: -Colossus No
: -Relic No
: -Burial Mounds No
: -Containment No
: -Backwash No
: -District No
: -Uplift No

Maps like Uplift and District were never that popular because the vast majority of the people played the Xbox version and never got to experience those maps. Remaking 2 of those would be a waste in my opinion. The fact that we are getting them at all in this package should be good enough for fans of the maps.

Waterworks was "okay" but again, it wasn't really that popular of a map.
Terminal I absolutely loved and would love to see a remake.
Colossus is a maybe for me, but I can think of so many other maps that I'd rather see instead.
Containment wasn't a personal favorite of mine. I mean it was good, but it doesn't really come to mind when I think about Halo 2.
Backwash I thought was actually a joke. I couldn't stand this map.

They wanted to remake the maps that the majority of people think about when they think about Halo 2. And I don't think Midship is going to be remade since it's being redone in Halo 5. But anyway, here is what I hope to see (Including the ones we know about already):

Ascension (level)

I love terminal, but I have so many more fond memories on Turf than I do on Terminal, so I'd really be okay with seeing both.

The point of this post is not to put down your favorite maps, but to show you that everyone has different opinions about what their favorite Halo 2 maps are. 343 is going for the majority with this one. You can never make everyone happy, but making most of them happy is better than none. I had fun on almost all of Halo 2's maps, so I'd be okay with seeing any of them remade. But you need to know that 343 is going to be choosing the maps that were popular for the majority of people.

Messages In This Thread

Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsSEspider8/13/14 3:29 pm
     Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsAloyisus8/13/14 3:51 pm
     Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsMariachi8/13/14 5:18 pm
     Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsChris101b8/13/14 5:25 pm
           Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsChris101b8/13/14 5:30 pm
                 Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsUrban Reflex8/13/14 6:09 pm
           Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsSEspider8/13/14 8:34 pm
     Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Morpheus8/13/14 6:41 pm
           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Avateur8/13/14 7:14 pm
                 Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Ragashingo8/14/14 1:37 am
           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.serpx8/13/14 10:27 pm
                 Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Morpheus8/14/14 1:06 am
                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Chris101b8/14/14 3:03 am
                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/14/14 6:32 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Chris101b8/15/14 3:39 am
                                         Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/17/14 12:35 pm
                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Morpheus8/17/14 6:43 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Avateur8/17/14 6:55 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Louis Wu8/18/14 10:53 am
                                         Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.munky-0588/18/14 11:36 am
                                               Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Gravemind8/18/14 12:44 pm
                                                     Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.munky-0588/18/14 4:00 pm
                                                           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Gravemind8/18/14 8:22 pm
                                                                 Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Quirel8/19/14 1:49 pm
                                                                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.BanditORR8/20/14 9:20 am
                                                                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.thebruce08/20/14 9:30 am
                                                                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Quirel8/21/14 4:06 am
                                                           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Avateur8/18/14 8:37 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Jironimo8/20/14 4:30 pm
                                         Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.thebruce08/21/14 11:48 am
                                         Hmm.Morpheus8/27/14 7:42 pm
                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.thebruce08/14/14 9:45 am
                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.serpx8/14/14 10:18 am
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/14/14 6:37 pm
                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/14/14 6:24 pm
                 Actually, You Know What?Morpheus8/14/14 1:13 am

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