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Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.
Date: 8/13/14 10:27 pm
In Response To: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause. (Morpheus)

: Most popular 6 only. It's gonna be the same for Halo 3 Anniversary, too.

: People(as time and time again have clearly shown) don't want something new,
: or something different. They just want the same maps, same gametypes, same
: Sniper/BR starts on Lockout forever and ever. And as long as there's one
: person who wants only the same thing(and as long as pro gamers get
: everything they want, which they also do). Everyone chooses the most
: popular, most played, most MLG. It's better to play it safe, than to do
: something right.

On a business standpoint, the popular is also what sells. I'm of the crowd who is happy to see the best maps being remade. I don't want to not play on something that isn't broken. They can just give users more abilities in Forge to remake maps like Terminal.

Messages In This Thread

Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsSEspider8/13/14 3:29 pm
     Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsAloyisus8/13/14 3:51 pm
     Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsMariachi8/13/14 5:18 pm
     Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsChris101b8/13/14 5:25 pm
           Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsChris101b8/13/14 5:30 pm
                 Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsUrban Reflex8/13/14 6:09 pm
           Re: Starting to get peeved off about the H2A mapsSEspider8/13/14 8:34 pm
     Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Morpheus8/13/14 6:41 pm
           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Avateur8/13/14 7:14 pm
                 Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Ragashingo8/14/14 1:37 am
           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.serpx8/13/14 10:27 pm
                 Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Morpheus8/14/14 1:06 am
                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Chris101b8/14/14 3:03 am
                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/14/14 6:32 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Chris101b8/15/14 3:39 am
                                         Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/17/14 12:35 pm
                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Morpheus8/17/14 6:43 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Avateur8/17/14 6:55 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Louis Wu8/18/14 10:53 am
                                         Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.munky-0588/18/14 11:36 am
                                               Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Gravemind8/18/14 12:44 pm
                                                     Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.munky-0588/18/14 4:00 pm
                                                           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Gravemind8/18/14 8:22 pm
                                                                 Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Quirel8/19/14 1:49 pm
                                                                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.BanditORR8/20/14 9:20 am
                                                                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.thebruce08/20/14 9:30 am
                                                                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Quirel8/21/14 4:06 am
                                                           Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Avateur8/18/14 8:37 pm
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.Jironimo8/20/14 4:30 pm
                                         Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.thebruce08/21/14 11:48 am
                                         Hmm.Morpheus8/27/14 7:42 pm
                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.thebruce08/14/14 9:45 am
                             Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.serpx8/14/14 10:18 am
                                   Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/14/14 6:37 pm
                       Re: Sorry. It's A Lost Cause.SEspider8/14/14 6:24 pm
                 Actually, You Know What?Morpheus8/14/14 1:13 am

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