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Re: I question your definition of QTEs
Date: 9/17/13 3:30 am
In Response To: Re: I question your definition of QTEs (Sliding Ghost)

: -the cryotube. Replace with cutscene on higher difficulties

I actually liked the cryo tube. Yes, it was a test your inversion settings trick (if you look the wrong way does Cortana complain or anything? I've never tried that) but I thought it was a subtle one that was well integrated with what was happening.

: -the elevator climb. Replace with cutscene on higher difficulties

Yeah. It was unnecessary to have me push a direction with a huge margin of error all to avoid some silly pieces of debris. I do like the first person view part when the vacuum and debris knocks you into the elevator though. That felt immersive.

: -the Elite at the top of the elevator shaft. On higher difficulties, he'd be
: a normal foe, and you can retrieve his sword

Yep. Press X to twist Elite was very silly. Bungie showed that even standardish enemies can be very interesting, like that Brute Chieftan at the end of the Ark level in Halo 3. His custom animations in wanting a one on one battle and his pack's standing on the sidelines while the battle occurs is pretty neat. The Elite at the top of the elevator could have the same sort of novel custom actions applied to him to make him a fun and unique initial challenge.

: -the boarding Phantoms. One wave isn't enough, on higher difficulties, I'd
: make it a longer fight. At least 3 sets of enemies from each Phantom. Or
: it'd be just one wave, but it would introduce Jackals

Agreed. Perhaps not so much in having more enemies come out of the same phantoms, so as not to make them hold more than they should, but having additional phantoms attach would have been neat. Bonus points if they had one attach to the main front window that you just opened.

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Halo 5 Hopes.Chewbaccawakka9/14/13 2:32 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Hopes.serpx9/14/13 2:39 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Quirel9/14/13 3:15 pm
                 Re: Halo 5 Hopes.serpx9/14/13 3:50 pm
                       Re: Halo 5 Hopes.thebruce09/17/13 8:16 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Pkmnrulz2409/14/13 4:00 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Chewbaccawakka9/14/13 4:18 pm
                 Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Pkmnrulz2409/15/13 2:29 am
                       Re: Halo 5 Hopes.scarab9/15/13 5:12 am
     Re: Halo 5 Hopes.RC Master9/14/13 7:04 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Hopes.scarab9/14/13 7:24 pm
                 Re: Halo 5 Hopes.RC Master9/15/13 7:40 am
           Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Revenant19889/14/13 9:04 pm
                 Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Buttskunk9/14/13 10:02 pm
                 Re: Halo 5 Hopes.LostSpartan9879/15/13 12:17 am
                       He is a clonescarab9/15/13 5:17 am
                 Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Pkmnrulz2409/15/13 11:10 am
           Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Captain Spark9/15/13 1:27 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Sliding Ghost9/16/13 8:05 pm
                 Addendum: Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Sliding Ghost9/16/13 8:15 pm
     Better enemiesQuirel9/14/13 8:32 pm
           Re: Better enemiesbryan newman9/16/13 1:19 am
                 Real Prometheans would be cool-just NO ROBOT DOGS! *NM*Leviathan9/16/13 3:32 pm
                 Re: Better enemiesQuirel9/16/13 9:04 pm
           Re: Better enemiesSliding Ghost9/16/13 8:12 pm
                 Re: Better enemiesQuirel9/16/13 8:56 pm
                       Re: Better enemiesSliding Ghost9/16/13 9:31 pm
                       Re: Better enemiesRagashingo9/16/13 9:32 pm
                             Re: Better enemiesSliding Ghost9/17/13 1:26 am
                       Re: Better enemiesAzo 'Galvat9/17/13 9:41 am
                             Re: Better enemiesthebruce09/17/13 8:29 pm
                                   Sush. You're being logical. *NM*Azo 'Galvat9/17/13 9:18 pm
                                   Re: Better enemiesStephen L. (SoundEffect)9/17/13 9:33 pm
                                         Re: Better enemiesKermit9/18/13 10:49 am
                                               Re: Head-canon FTW! *NM*thebruce09/18/13 12:15 pm
                                   Re: Better enemiesQuirel9/18/13 12:48 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Hopes.ArteenEsben9/14/13 9:25 pm
           AdditionalArteenEsben9/15/13 9:48 am
     Re: Halo 5 Hopes.scarab9/15/13 5:42 am
           Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Apollo9/15/13 8:45 am
                 Re: Halo 5 Hopes.scarab9/15/13 1:57 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Hopes.davidfuchs9/15/13 9:29 am
     Re: Halo 5 Hopes.Dervish9/15/13 11:12 am
     My biggest hopeserpx9/15/13 4:43 pm
           It'll have been 7 years...RC Master9/16/13 1:37 pm
     Deep, throaty "Wort, wort, wort"s! *NM*CARDO 8 ATL9/15/13 5:03 pm
     I want the UNSC to be heroes again...Leviathan9/15/13 6:05 pm
           They could start by not being dicks to colonistsGrizzlei9/15/13 7:21 pm
     Cody's Tips!Cody Miller9/16/13 10:58 pm
           I question your definition of QTEsRagashingo9/16/13 11:29 pm
                 Re: I question your definition of QTEsSliding Ghost9/17/13 1:42 am
                       Re: I question your definition of QTEsRagashingo9/17/13 1:58 am
                             Re: I question your definition of QTEsSliding Ghost9/17/13 3:15 am
                                   Re: I question your definition of QTEsSliding Ghost9/17/13 3:16 am
                                   Re: I question your definition of QTEsRagashingo9/17/13 3:30 am
                                         Re: I question your definition of QTEsSliding Ghost9/17/13 3:55 am
                       Re: I question your definition of QTEsserpx9/17/13 11:59 pm
                             Re: I question your definition of QTEsthebruce09/18/13 12:16 pm
                             Re: I question your definition of QTEsQuirel9/18/13 4:42 pm
                                   Re: I question your definition of QTEsthebruce09/18/13 6:05 pm
           Do QTEs make for good boss fights?Quirel9/17/13 1:31 pm
                 Re: Do QTEs make for good boss fights?Sliding Ghost9/18/13 1:23 am
           What about...kanbo9/18/13 12:17 am
                 This one is fascinatingCody Miller9/18/13 4:26 pm
     Where to begin?Gravemind9/18/13 12:56 am
           Re: Where to begin?Sliding Ghost9/18/13 1:24 am
           Re: Where to begin?Gravemind9/18/13 3:46 am
           Re: Where to begin?Revenant19889/18/13 8:37 am
                 Re: Where to begin?Quirel9/18/13 11:08 am
                       Re: Where to begin?Revenant19889/18/13 11:18 am
                             Re: Where to begin?Quirel9/18/13 11:19 am
                                   Re: Where to begin?Revenant19889/18/13 11:57 am
                 Re: Where to begin?Gravemind9/18/13 2:21 pm
           Re: Where to begin?Cody Miller9/18/13 12:50 pm
                 Re: Where to begin?Phoenix_92869/18/13 2:07 pm
                       Re: Where to begin?Revenant19889/18/13 2:27 pm
                             Re: Where to begin?Moorpheusl99/18/13 4:02 pm
                       Re: Where to begin?Cody Miller9/19/13 1:02 pm
                 Re: Where to begin?Gravemind9/18/13 2:30 pm
           Re: Where to begin?scarab9/18/13 2:15 pm
           Re: Where to begin?Cody Miller9/18/13 4:29 pm
           Re: Where to begin?Quirel9/18/13 5:01 pm
                 Re: Where to begin?Gravemind9/19/13 12:25 am
                       Re: Where to begin?Quirel9/19/13 1:01 am
           Re: Where to begin?Captain Spark9/18/13 6:35 pm
           Re: Where to begin?Archilen9/19/13 11:49 am
     Re: Halo 5 Hopes.General Vagueness9/27/13 7:32 pm

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