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Re: I'm hoping...
Date: 5/23/13 5:19 pm
In Response To: I'm hoping... (NsU Soldier)

: I don't know about other folks, but I just wanted a stronger 360 with
: in-system video capture*. I don't care about super-fast web browsing and
: TV watching on my game console. I already use a whole slew of other
: things to meet that need.

Here's what it boils down to. Xbox as a brand stopped being about games quite a while back.
We've had indications fora while, but when Zune was discontinued and succeeded by "Xbox Music", "Xbox Smartglass" and "Xbox Video".

Giving it some thought, it's likely that Microsoft's ultimate goal with the Xbox One is to rely on it much more as a core part of the company and it's business model, whereas the Xbox 360 was ultimately a mixed bag in terms of profit, especially thanks to the RRoD.

No matter how good it is, Windows Phone 8 is not going to win out against either the Apple or Android for the foreseeable future.
The same seems likely for the Surface in the tablet market, despite it looking brilliant (but bloody expensive).
The internet as well is largely dominated by Google. How many people actually use Bing?

One thing that neither Apple or Google have though is the living room.
They don't even really have a start in it.
And that's where this super media hub comes in, first come and first served.
If Microsoft nail it, they will no longer be so dependant on the Windows/Office software aspects.

Messages In This Thread

PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)5/23/13 7:45 am
     Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.pete_the_duck5/23/13 8:14 am
           Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.scarab5/23/13 8:24 am
                 Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Bry5/23/13 8:31 am
                       Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.scarab5/23/13 8:51 am
                             Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.scarab5/23/13 9:00 am
                             Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Bry5/23/13 9:27 am
                                   Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.scarab5/23/13 9:38 am
                                         Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Bry5/23/13 10:08 am
                                               Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.thebruce05/23/13 10:23 am
                                                     Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.scarab5/23/13 11:28 am
                                                           Up the antescarab5/23/13 11:33 am
                                                           Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.RC Master5/23/13 1:17 pm
                                                                 Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.scarab5/23/13 2:00 pm
                                                                       Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.pete_the_duck5/23/13 3:01 pm
                                                                             Oh YOU! HARDER!!! :-)scarab5/23/13 3:17 pm
                                                                       Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Quirel5/23/13 6:52 pm
                                                           Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.thebruce05/23/13 6:48 pm
     Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Bry5/23/13 8:24 am
           Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.uberfoop5/23/13 12:55 pm
                 Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Bry5/23/13 2:00 pm
           Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Jironimo5/23/13 2:02 pm
                 Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Bry5/23/13 3:29 pm
     Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Louis Wu5/23/13 8:29 am
           Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Bry5/23/13 8:40 am
           Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Cody Miller5/23/13 1:33 pm
                 Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Louis Wu5/23/13 1:44 pm
                 Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.General Vagueness5/23/13 10:40 pm
                 Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.davidfuchs5/24/13 8:30 am
                       Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Bry5/24/13 10:25 am
                       Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Cody Miller5/24/13 3:09 pm
                             Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.davidfuchs5/24/13 5:35 pm
                                   Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.Cody Miller5/24/13 10:55 pm
                                   Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.iForge5/29/13 8:21 am
                                         Re: PS4 crushing XBO in twitter-off.davidfuchs5/29/13 5:53 pm
     Now that the consoles are out and I've played thempadraig085/23/13 9:46 am
     But does PS4 have Destiny AND Halo? Well then... *NM*CARDO 8 ATL5/23/13 10:19 am
     The online program is what decides it...iForge5/23/13 11:45 am
     I'll wait for the new Sega console. *NM*Leviathan5/23/13 11:56 am
           It's a shame the Dreamcast went the way it did. *NM*NsU Soldier5/23/13 3:47 pm
     Whoever made that image is a foolRC Master5/23/13 1:00 pm
     I'm hoping...NsU Soldier5/23/13 3:30 pm
           Re: I'm hoping...Kalamari5/23/13 4:49 pm
           Re: I'm hoping...Bry5/23/13 5:19 pm
                 I think you're rightMr Daax5/23/13 6:13 pm
           Re: I'm hoping...General Vagueness5/23/13 10:48 pm
                 Re: I'm hoping...Bry5/24/13 5:30 am
                       Re: I'm hoping...NsU Soldier5/24/13 3:57 pm
                       Re: I'm hoping...General Vagueness5/24/13 8:48 pm
                             Re: I'm hoping...Bry5/24/13 9:01 pm
                                   Re: I'm hoping...RC Master5/25/13 8:13 am
                                   Re: I'm hoping...General Vagueness5/26/13 9:18 pm
     In other XBO news.Gravemind5/23/13 7:25 pm
           Re: In other XBO news.Bry5/23/13 8:24 pm
                 Re: In other XBO news.Gravemind5/25/13 3:17 am
                       Re: In other XBO news.uberfoop5/25/13 3:52 am
                       Re: In other XBO news.Bry5/28/13 11:20 am
                             Re: In other XBO news.DEEP NNN5/28/13 11:42 am
                                   Re: In other XBO news.Bry5/28/13 12:00 pm
                                         Re: In other XBO news.DEEP NNN5/28/13 12:28 pm
                                               Re: In other XBO news.thebruce05/28/13 5:20 pm
                                         Re: In other XBO news.General Vagueness5/29/13 10:58 am
                                               Re: In other XBO news.ZackDark5/29/13 11:49 am
                                               Re: In other XBO news.RC Master5/29/13 2:11 pm
                                                     Re: In other XBO news.ZackDark5/29/13 7:59 pm
                                                           Argh, broken HTML... Sorry, I was sure I closed it *NM*ZackDark5/29/13 8:01 pm
                                                           Re: In other XBO news.RC Master5/30/13 4:36 am

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