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And then nobody replied...
Date: 9/28/16 4:49 pm
In Response To: Outreach Assistance! Calling All HBOers! (Morpheus)

: Hey guys! I know there isn't too much activity here--I don't know how many
: people post/visit on a regular basis--but I wanted to extend an invitation
: to this branch of the Halo community, my favorite little nest. I wouldn't
: feel right if I continued without at least asking.

: A long time ago, in 2010, Low Strife, Crest and a few other people put
: together Preserving History:The Ultimate Halo Fragvid Collection,
: gathering over 2,000 videos in one place, just before Halo Reach was
: released. Obviously a lot of time has passed since then, and the people
: over at TheHaloForum are itching to make another one. I was blessed with
: the task of founding a second collection, which I am titling Rewriting
: History: The Ultimate Halo Fragvid Collection Addendum. While I'm busy
: gathering videos from THF, I wanted to come here and make sure that HBO
: had its feet in the pool.

: With that said, I want to invite everyone here, past or present, to submit or
: notify me of any videos you (or your friends) have made over the past 15
: years! Anything, no matter how old or new(except 2016), good or bad, 160p
: or 4K, montage or machinima, send it on in! We only have a few
: restrictions: Nothing from 2016(this year):If we start collecting those,
: we'll never be finished.

Don't think you have to worry about anyone submitting anything from 2016, pretty sure nobody besides Rockslider has made a Halo video in years... (Well, besides the SSD-sanctioned secret TSD videos that are not meant for mortal eyes).

I submit the last full HBO-related customs game for Halo, before the old guard disbanded, and the MCC truly marked the death of our beloved franchise...

Messages In This Thread

Outreach Assistance! Calling All HBOers!Morpheus9/19/16 12:17 am
     And then nobody replied...munky-0589/28/16 4:49 pm
           Re: And then nobody replied...Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)9/29/16 6:11 pm
           Re: And then nobody replied...General Vagueness9/29/16 10:56 pm
                 kek *NM*Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)9/30/16 12:55 am
                       Huh. *NM*UnrealCh13f9/30/16 1:13 am
                 High Class, right there. *NM*Tex9/30/16 1:14 am
                 Re: And then nobody replied...crazedone19889/30/16 1:16 am
                 Someone needs a time out. *NM*Revenant19889/30/16 12:46 pm
                 Re: And then nobody replied...Cody Miller9/30/16 2:04 pm
                       Re: And then nobody replied...ChrisTheeCrappy9/30/16 2:36 pm
                             Re: And then nobody replied...Cody Miller9/30/16 3:46 pm
                                   Re: And then nobody replied...ChrisTheeCrappy9/30/16 5:36 pm
                             Re: And then nobody replied...General Vagueness10/4/16 7:45 pm
                       Re: And then nobody replied...The BS Police9/30/16 11:41 pm
           Meh, I Get That ALL The Time. *NM*Morpheus9/30/16 10:05 am
           Cryo-stasisThe Lionheart9/30/16 3:06 pm
                 Here's one we haven't seen in a while. *NM*Quirel10/1/16 12:57 am
     My team can't be the only ones who care about HBO.munky-05810/1/16 3:21 pm
     Any More?Morpheus10/2/16 7:58 pm
           Got thisdavidfuchs10/2/16 9:15 pm
           Here are mineChris101b10/3/16 4:57 am
                 Re: Here are mineGeneral Vagueness10/4/16 7:48 pm
                       Re: 5 years!?Hyokin10/5/16 7:34 am
                             Re: 5 years!?Chris101b10/10/16 1:17 am
                 Re: You forgot your best one!Hyokin10/5/16 7:35 am
                       Re: You forgot your best one!Stretchy10/5/16 2:22 pm
                             Re: You forgot your best one!Hyokin10/6/16 11:20 pm
                                   Re: You forgot your best one!Chris101b10/10/16 1:24 am
                       What A Facepalm...Morpheus10/6/16 12:31 pm
                             Re: What A Facepalm...Hyokin10/6/16 11:18 pm
                       Oh God hahahaha *NM*Chris101b10/10/16 1:22 am

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