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Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.
Date: 12/27/14 3:55 am
In Response To: Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher. (Grizzlei)

: Looks like it could probably carry and fire a missile that destroys a tank or
: aircraft the first time. If it hurts, it works. Besides, it's not a bad
: looking weapon by any means.

How much damage the rocket does is purely gameplay. Yes, it's likely to be higher in the new model of rocket launcher because we've gone from a two-round clip to single shot, but it's not intrinsic to the modern-ish redesign.

: The SRS99 looks very much like the Denel NTW-20 sniper rifle while the MA5 is
: fairly reminiscent of the Fabrique Nationale F2000 and the Heckler &
: Koch XM29.

That second one was actually a coincidence. The MA5 was designed months before the designer had ever seen an FN F2000.

: The thing with Halo is that it has really never ever been a generic war
: shooter despite the equipment we can use or merely see, some of which is
: actually considerably low-tech compared to technology in-use today, but
: most of which is derived very much from contemporary designs.

You're right. You're absolutely right. The UNSC is rooted in a mix between Cold War aesthetic and a Space Age Futuristic aesthetic, and people get pissed when the balance is pushed toward a more modern concept. We've lost the Warthog. The UNSC weapons have had keymod rails slathered all over them. Now one of the more offbeat designs has been sidelined, and I seriously doubt that anything is taking its place. Nothing is being added to maintain that mix I mentioned earlier.

And no, crap inspired by Gundam or Mechwarrior doesn't help.

Messages In This Thread

Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.gamerguy200212/27/14 12:24 am
     Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.Grizzlei12/27/14 12:43 am
           Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.gamerguy200212/27/14 1:01 am
                 Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.breitzen12/27/14 1:31 am
                       Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.Cody Miller12/27/14 12:02 pm
                             Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.RC Master12/27/14 10:43 pm
                 Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.Grizzlei12/27/14 1:37 am
                       Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.gamerguy200212/27/14 2:14 am
                       Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.Quirel12/27/14 3:55 am
                       Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.SEspider12/27/14 9:12 pm
     That thing is uglyThe BS Police12/27/14 1:26 am
           Re: That thing is uglygamerguy200212/27/14 1:50 am
           Re: That thing is uglyCody Miller12/27/14 12:03 pm
     ADS: HOLD LIKE THATuberfoop12/27/14 2:14 am
     Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.Quirel12/27/14 3:08 am
           Re: Nope.Hyokin12/27/14 11:54 am
                 Re: Never.Hyokin12/27/14 11:54 am
                       Re: Not even once.Hyokin12/27/14 11:56 am
                             Re: Never Ever EverSEspider12/27/14 9:19 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.TDSpiral12/27/14 5:08 am
     Re: Deja VuHyokin12/27/14 11:53 am
           Re: Deja Vuserpx12/27/14 12:15 pm
                 Re: Deja Vup bro12/27/14 12:55 pm
                 Re: Deja VuQuirel12/27/14 1:02 pm
                 Re: Deja Vugamerguy200212/27/14 2:00 pm
                       Re: Deja VuQuirel12/27/14 3:24 pm
                             Re: Deja Vugamerguy200212/27/14 3:48 pm
     Alright, let's tally votes:Quirel12/27/14 1:23 pm
           Re: Alright, let's tally votes:Hyokin12/27/14 3:03 pm
                 Ditto *NM*SEspider12/27/14 9:24 pm
           Re: Alright, let's tally votes:NartFOpc12/27/14 4:07 pm
           Re: Alright, let's tally votes:serpx12/27/14 5:21 pm
           Re: Alright, let's tally votes:ArteenEsben12/27/14 6:18 pm
           I'm VERY confused about something.SEspider12/27/14 10:01 pm
     343 plsAzo 'Galvat12/27/14 4:49 pm
     Dear BungieCINCL12/27/14 8:23 pm
           Best post ever *NM*Dervish12/28/14 9:17 am
           Two thoughts.Quirel12/28/14 1:08 pm
                 Re: Two thoughts.CINCL12/28/14 2:53 pm
     TEMBER!!!!SEspider12/27/14 9:07 pm
           Sep?Quirel12/28/14 1:10 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.RC Master12/27/14 10:32 pm
     But... why?Gravemind12/28/14 1:56 am
           Re: But... why?serpx12/28/14 3:05 am
                 Re: But... why?Quirel12/28/14 3:43 am
                 Re: But... why?NartFOpc12/28/14 10:02 am
                       Re: But... why?Cody Miller12/28/14 10:07 am
                             Re: But... why?gamerguy200212/28/14 10:59 am
                                   Re: But... why?Metalingus62712/28/14 11:34 am
                                         Re: But... why?Grizzlei12/28/14 4:54 pm
                                         Re: But... why?gamerguy200212/29/14 1:20 am
                             Re: But... why?The BS Police12/28/14 12:03 pm
                                   Re: But... why?Cody Miller12/28/14 12:05 pm
                                         Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Hyokin12/28/14 2:59 pm
                                               Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Vincent12/28/14 3:03 pm
                                                     Well...Nikko B20112/28/14 4:30 pm
                                                           Re: Well...Grizzlei12/28/14 5:19 pm
                                                                 Re: Well...Quirel12/28/14 6:13 pm
                                                                       Re: Well...Grizzlei12/29/14 1:40 am
                                                                             Re: Well...Quirel12/29/14 4:31 am
                                                                                   Adaptabilityrhubarb12/29/14 4:29 pm
                                                                                         Re: AdaptabilityQuirel12/30/14 4:17 pm
                                                                 Re: Well...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/29/14 10:50 am
                                                                       Re: This! *NM*Hyokin12/29/14 3:48 pm
                                                                       Re: Well...Archilen12/30/14 6:14 am
                                                                             Re: Well...Hyokin12/30/14 11:26 am
                                                                                   Re: Well...Archilen12/30/14 11:44 am
                                                                 Re: Well...General Vagueness1/2/15 2:01 pm
                                                                 Re: Well...scarab1/3/15 5:45 am
                                               Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Grizzlei12/28/14 5:06 pm
                                                     Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Quirel12/29/14 3:53 am
                                                           Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Archilen12/30/14 6:07 am
                                                                 Re: Here is how I see it... *img*MacGyver1012/30/14 10:32 am
                                                                       Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Archilen12/30/14 11:30 am
                                                                 Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Quirel1/2/15 4:06 am
                                                                       Sweet Jesus.yakaman1/4/15 12:01 am
                                                                             Re: Sweet Jesus.Quirel1/4/15 3:49 pm
                                               Compared to Halo, Star Wars had better visuals....robofin11712/30/14 4:56 pm
                 Re: But... why?ArteenEsben12/29/14 11:25 am
                 Re: But... why?Gravemind12/29/14 2:04 pm
                       Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineHyokin12/29/14 3:51 pm
                             Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineAzo 'Galvat12/29/14 5:21 pm
                                   Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineQuirel1/2/15 3:14 am
                                         Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineHyokin1/2/15 4:31 pm
                             Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineGravemind12/29/14 8:33 pm
                                   Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineMacGyver1012/30/14 10:34 am
                                         Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineHyokin12/30/14 11:19 am
                                               Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineMacGyver1012/30/14 11:24 am
                       Re: But... why?Quirel12/31/14 4:53 am
     Why the heck do you blame the "pro team" for this?FugitiveSoldier12/29/14 9:58 am
           Re: Why the heck do you blame the "pro team" for tserpx12/29/14 11:40 am
                 Re: Why the heck do you blame the "pro team" for tgamerguy200212/29/14 1:04 pm
                       Re: Why the heck do you blame the "pro team" for tFugitiveSoldier12/29/14 1:18 pm
                       Yes I havebreitzen12/29/14 1:30 pm
     What the fuck *NM*General Vagueness12/30/14 3:09 pm

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