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Re: This is what 343 completely misses...
Date: 11/21/14 3:34 pm

: He may have rose tinted glasses, but I think you're making this more than
: what it is. Let's remove all of 343's promises or marketing from the
: equation. At the end of the day, you have a busted product over a week
: later that makes one wonder if they even tested anything. You have word of
: a potential Wednesday patch that got delayed to add more fixes, which
: allegedly was tested and certified and then released with maybe two whole
: fixes, and this is after a track record of the gigantic Halo population
: killing blunder of Halo 4. 343 is a fuck-up company. That's what they're
: being taken to task for.

My point is that marketing and selling the product above all has become the guiding light for games, my examples are two of which most of us played and experienced this cycle with closely. There is good in this collection, they oversold and underdeveloped. That's really it.

: Because Nintendo knows how to make a good quality product and test their
: stuff (usually). As we've seen across the board this quarter, that EA
: games approach of years prior seems to be the norm now adays. Ship the
: busted product, use it as a glorified Beta test after you got their money,
: and then release fixes to make the game work. It's bullshit on all levels.
: 343 took it to the next level by releasing a huge freaking patch that was
: also something like 90% broken. Good for them, lowering the bar further.

Messages In This Thread

Wake me when you need me...Compton11/21/14 3:21 am
     Disappointed...zofinda11/21/14 6:18 am
     This is what 343 completely misses...munky-05811/21/14 7:47 am
           Re: This is what 343 completely misses...thebruce011/21/14 9:35 am
           Re: This is what 343 completely misses...padraig0811/21/14 11:12 am
                 Re: This is what 343 completely misses...Avateur11/21/14 3:13 pm
                       Re: This is what 343 completely misses...padraig0811/21/14 3:34 pm
                             Re: This is what 343 completely misses...Avateur11/21/14 4:00 pm
                 Re: This is what 343 completely misses...yakaman11/21/14 3:47 pm
                       Re: This is what 343 completely misses...padraig0811/21/14 3:54 pm
                       Re: This is what 343 completely misses...Revenant198811/21/14 4:13 pm
                       Re: This is what 343 completely misses...Quirel11/22/14 2:42 pm
                 Re: This is what 343 completely misses...Crazedone198811/21/14 7:22 pm
     343i should either delay Halo 5 or issue a recallThe BS Police11/21/14 8:46 am
           Re: 343i should either delay Halo 5 or issue a recbreitzen11/21/14 1:10 pm
     I learned a lesson from this.serpx11/21/14 10:17 am
           This, here, is the problem.Revenant198811/21/14 10:45 am
                 Re: This, here, is the problem.serpx11/21/14 11:03 am
                       Re: This, here, is the problem.RC Master11/21/14 8:12 pm
           Re: I learned a lesson from this.TDSpiral11/21/14 11:50 am
     It WAS a good run!Captain Spark11/21/14 11:33 am
           Re: It WAS a good run!jazo11/21/14 12:02 pm
                 Re: It WAS a good run!Quirel11/22/14 2:38 pm
           Re: It WAS a good run!R4111/21/14 6:45 pm
           Re: It WAS a good run!Cody Miller11/23/14 10:58 am
                 Re: It WAS a good run!serpx11/23/14 3:13 pm

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