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Re: This is what 343 completely misses...
Date: 11/21/14 9:35 am
In Response To: This is what 343 completely misses... (munky-058)

: The fact that MCC is being ripped apart for a non-functional online is
: evidence of that. Forget the fact that you're getting four campaigns with
: enhanced features and achievements. Forget the fact that two of those
: campaigns are getting cosmetic and audio overhauls. Nope. The online
: multiplayer doesn't work, and that makes this entire collection a massive
: failure. And 343 is crapping their pants, because they thought it would be
: easy to wave off a non-functional online mode, because surely the
: campaigns speak for themselves. After all, the folks who bought an Xbox
: just for Halo are going to gobble it up, right?

Consider me one of those. I didn't buy it for online. Really, at all. I'm gobbling up the campaign and the improvements. I love it. I haven't had any issues with offline or campaign (yet?). So I'm not disappointed. I'm enjoying Nightfall - even if there are elements that many feel are sub-par, like some of the acting, dialogue, tropes, questions of physics, or canonicity or whatever. I can take hits like that and keep on running.

Maybe they were hoping the majority of fans would be like me :P

But, I fully agree, and sympathize, that the online mutiplayer issues are causing community-boiling havoc. Makes me sort of glad I didn't stake my enjoyment on it. But for the sake of my beloved Halo, I really do hope something is done either to fix it ASAP, or extend some form of legitimate, sufficient reconciliation to the community.

Because if the Halo brand fails, even if there many like me who can still enjoy it as it is now, then we too will suffer.

: Microsoft is losing the console war 5 to 1 against Sony. They need something
: to push consoles, and a Campaign game isn't going to do it. Offer them
: Halo 1 multiplayer! Offer them Halo 2 multiplayer! (But make sure you
: combine all of them into one playlist so they'll play longer to try to
: find a game in the game they like...). It doesn't matter if it doesn't
: work at launch, they need to push consoles NOW NOW NOW!

Hate that.
Hate it with a passion.
I've always wanted to MS and 343 to show more love to the campaign and single player community -- I definitely see that with all they're doing with the EU and extended content, but their capability of handling the multiplayer may in the end spell its downfall, even while having nothing to do with their handling of the single player experience. :(

I have this fear that the Halo franchise will leave me before I leave the Halo franchise.

Messages In This Thread

Wake me when you need me...Compton11/21/14 3:21 am
     Disappointed...zofinda11/21/14 6:18 am
     This is what 343 completely misses...munky-05811/21/14 7:47 am
           Re: This is what 343 completely misses...thebruce011/21/14 9:35 am
           Re: This is what 343 completely misses...padraig0811/21/14 11:12 am
                 Re: This is what 343 completely misses...Avateur11/21/14 3:13 pm
                       Re: This is what 343 completely misses...padraig0811/21/14 3:34 pm
                             Re: This is what 343 completely misses...Avateur11/21/14 4:00 pm
                 Re: This is what 343 completely misses...yakaman11/21/14 3:47 pm
                       Re: This is what 343 completely misses...padraig0811/21/14 3:54 pm
                       Re: This is what 343 completely misses...Revenant198811/21/14 4:13 pm
                       Re: This is what 343 completely misses...Quirel11/22/14 2:42 pm
                 Re: This is what 343 completely misses...Crazedone198811/21/14 7:22 pm
     343i should either delay Halo 5 or issue a recallThe BS Police11/21/14 8:46 am
           Re: 343i should either delay Halo 5 or issue a recbreitzen11/21/14 1:10 pm
     I learned a lesson from this.serpx11/21/14 10:17 am
           This, here, is the problem.Revenant198811/21/14 10:45 am
                 Re: This, here, is the problem.serpx11/21/14 11:03 am
                       Re: This, here, is the problem.RC Master11/21/14 8:12 pm
           Re: I learned a lesson from this.TDSpiral11/21/14 11:50 am
     It WAS a good run!Captain Spark11/21/14 11:33 am
           Re: It WAS a good run!jazo11/21/14 12:02 pm
                 Re: It WAS a good run!Quirel11/22/14 2:38 pm
           Re: It WAS a good run!R4111/21/14 6:45 pm
           Re: It WAS a good run!Cody Miller11/23/14 10:58 am
                 Re: It WAS a good run!serpx11/23/14 3:13 pm

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