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: I'm a bit ashamed over how upset I got over my first impressions of Destiny.
: Some of that came from the catering to PS, but much of it came from the
: shortage (perceived?) of content at shipment compared to expectations.
: When I got over the PS-butt hurt, and forgot my expectations, I found that
: I really liked the game. Shouldn't it be that simple?
: As far as the MCC, I was only looking forward to playing Halo 2, and was not
: really considering online play (at least right away). H2A has been really
: fun, but if I was looking to jump into Halo-wide matchmaking with all of
: my friends and was being shut out on a daily basis...I'd be really bitter.
: Now that gaming is such a big-money industry, is there any going back?
: As an aside, I cannot imagine anyone is having a good time at 343i right now.
: Poor Grim I...
I'm in the hype-train camp myself. I've let it get me for many games over the last few years, always looking at special editions and the like, just assuming what I see in a trailer is what I'm getting, and more.
That is, my fault.
I miss the days of demo discs. I really, truly do.
I don't know why, as a gamer, I've felt this compulsion to have a game day one it is out. Not just halo, but any game that excites me. I didn't used to be like that. Maybe it's because I'm older and have the ability to spend that kind of money, but before, I remember the wait. The wait sucked.
I was less than thrilled by Bioshock Infinite and BF4 and Destiny, out of recent memory. Now, I ENJOYED those games, for what they are, but when I bought them, I felt like I was buying something else.
So I've changed my ways, and I feel like I've benefited. No more pre-orders. No more hype. I'll watch a trailer or two, and wait for review, like I used to do.
I don't want to be an enabler anymore. I don't want to perpetuate this notion that releasing an 80% finished game and that it will get better later is OK.
Part of the blame lies with the consumer as much as it does the seller.
But I'm not all doom and gloom and blunder-wonder this and that. I don't think that helps anything. I don't think it's productive. Telling someone "you suck you suck you suck you suck" over and over doesn't help anything.
Destiny confirmed what I already felt about Bungie: that they make good games, but they are not some kind of infallible studio that has a secret 10 year plan for every tiny detail. No. They get lucky, and they make mistakes, just like everyone else.
What I see from 343 is a lot of what Korny said. I see good in the 343 team, but I see that they are overshadowed by MS and their shareholders. That sucks.
But to berate them endlessly is stupid. Those people care about their product, I know they do.
The gap between what the artists and engineers make and what MARKETING and Shareholders want are very different things.
I have not bought an X1 and MCC yet. I'm glad I chose to wait. I'll jump in when the time is right. I am eager for this collection, I really am. I'm also very disciplined compared to the average person, and I can wait.
I will not get hyped.
I will not get excited over something I've not yet tried.
I will not get mad at things I do not have any understanding of.
I will not pre-pay for anything.
I will watch, and I will wait. I will let word of mouth do it's job.