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Re: You guys bum me out.
Date: 7/6/14 1:49 pm
In Response To: You guys bum me out. (Postmortem)

Ok. I've gotten home from the graveyard shift, having crawled through the closest thing to human feces that the FDA will allow inside a food processing plant*. I've taken a shower, but I'm still amped up on two cans of Red Bull. Now really isn't the time to post a reply, but I'm going to do it anyway. And I'm going to start out with an apology. A real apology! 100% honest, sarcasm-free apology, printed where nothing short of a server crash will ever remove it from the internet.

I was wrong to say that Halo 4 was immeasurably worse than The Phantom Menace. While I feel that both suffered from similar problems, the Phantom Menace had Jar Jar Binks and the creepy Anakin/Padme romance.

Coming home from work, I saw the chance to make a joke at Halo 4's expense. I knew it was beating a dead horse, but I had a funny-looking stick with which to beat it, and the timing seemed just right. I should have been the grown-up and refrained.

End apology.

*To clarify that point: Mashed peas and pods, when they accumulate in the corners of the waste conveyors and ferment for a week, smell like the breeze just downwind of a compost pile and an outhouse. The muck is brownish-black, lumpy, and sticks to everything.

Believe it or not, the waste from organic peas is worse.

: I understand the criticism, and it seems like
: 343 does as well, but I really think you guys are seriously overlooking
: some of the massive things that 343 is adding to the Halo universe.

Have you heard me bitching about the Chief/Cortana relationship, or Dr. Tilson, or the Forerunner saga?
No. Because I'm NOT overlooking some of the massive things that 343 is adding to the Halo universe. I'm looking forward to the MCC and Broken Circle, so I've scarcely given voice to my misgivings about them.

I've been bitching about Spartan IVs and the Infinity and the watered down Forerunner precisely because I'm not overlooking some of the massive things that 343 is adding to the Halo universe. It's there, it stinks.

: Sure,
: they took a few missteps on a few small details, but small details can be
: corrected as they learn. Just look at what they've done for the
: overarching story. Stuff that I've wanted to see since Halo 2...

Let's draw a line in the sand here. Let's clarify where we stand.

You like this stuff about the Infinity and the Spartan 4s. You like the focus on the Forerunner to the nigh-exclusion of the Covenant. You love this stuff about Humanity's Manifest Destiny and the birthrights the Librarian left behind for us.

None of that is appealing to me. I don't like the retcons that have been implemented to put the UNSC on this tech level a mere six years after their industrial base was leveled to the ground. I don't like how 343i abandoned dozens of promising storylines to go chasing after this Forerunner rigmarole. I don't like how they've reduced the Forerunner to "Human-like society and technology, with a little hardlight painted on top". And all that is just scratching the surface. As science fiction, it's just not interesting to me.

Messages In This Thread

343 at RTX Live - nowLouis Wu7/5/14 1:06 pm
     Halo 2 has Campaign scoring! *NM*Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/5/14 1:08 pm
           Re: Halo 2 has Campaign scoring!Revenant19887/5/14 2:20 pm
                 Re: Halo 2 has Campaign scoring!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/5/14 2:26 pm
                 Okay, more things I've noticed.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/6/14 12:34 pm
                       Re: Okay, more things I've noticed.zofinda7/6/14 1:17 pm
           Re: Halo 2 has Campaign scoring!General Vagueness7/5/14 4:20 pm
     Great backstory from Max HobermanLouis Wu7/5/14 1:29 pm
           Re: Great backstory from Max HobermanRevenant19887/5/14 1:31 pm
                 Re: Great backstory from Max HobermanStephen L. (SoundEffect)7/5/14 3:54 pm
     Ascension AnniversaryPostmortem7/5/14 1:33 pm
           Re: Ascension AnniversaryStephen L. (SoundEffect)7/5/14 3:57 pm
                 Re: Ascension AnniversaryUrban Reflex7/5/14 4:57 pm
                       Re: Ascension AnniversaryStephen L. (SoundEffect)7/5/14 6:55 pm
                 Re: Ascension AnniversaryQuirel7/9/14 12:05 am
     Hmm...Louis Wu7/5/14 1:42 pm
           Re: Hmm...TDSpiral7/5/14 2:02 pm
                 Re: Hmm...Postmortem7/5/14 2:06 pm
                       Race Returns!padraig087/5/14 3:08 pm
                 Re: Hmm...Revenant19887/5/14 2:11 pm
           Re: Hmm...serpx7/5/14 2:27 pm
           Re: Hmm...DEEP NNN7/5/14 3:03 pm
           Re: Hmm...VAVA Mk27/5/14 3:11 pm
           Re: Hmm...Chris101b7/5/14 7:58 pm
           Re: Hmm...FyreWulff7/6/14 3:47 am
     Holy crap...Louis Wu7/5/14 1:56 pm
           Re: Holy crap...Pkmnrulz2407/5/14 2:00 pm
                 Re: Holy crap...Louis Wu7/5/14 2:01 pm
     Questions = *facepalm*Pkmnrulz2407/5/14 2:03 pm
           Re: Questions = *facepalm*TDSpiral7/5/14 2:05 pm
           Re: Questions = *facepalm*Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/5/14 2:08 pm
           Re: Questions = *facepalm*serpx7/5/14 2:15 pm
     What a way to end the panel.Postmortem7/5/14 2:04 pm
     Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungooseRevenant19887/5/14 2:05 pm
           Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungooseTDSpiral7/5/14 2:08 pm
           Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungoosezofinda7/5/14 2:08 pm
                 Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungooseChris101b7/5/14 8:02 pm
           Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungoosePostmortem7/5/14 2:08 pm
                 Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungooseRevenant19887/5/14 2:17 pm
                       Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungooseserpx7/5/14 2:20 pm
                       Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungoosePkmnrulz2407/5/14 2:20 pm
                       Dude, RevenantAvateur7/5/14 9:37 pm
                             Re: HA!Hyokin7/6/14 10:27 am
                                   I don't like that comparison.Quirel7/6/14 10:51 am
                                         You guys bum me out.Postmortem7/6/14 11:25 am
                                               Re: You guys bum me out.Hyokin7/6/14 11:34 am
                                               Re: You guys bum me out.DEEP NNN7/6/14 11:54 am
                                                     Re: You guys bum me out.Avateur7/6/14 3:12 pm
                                                           Re: You guys bum me out.DEEP NNN7/6/14 4:30 pm
                                                                 Re: You guys bum me out.Avateur7/6/14 7:42 pm
                                                                       Re: You guys bum me out.Louis Wu7/6/14 11:18 pm
                                                                             Re: You guys bum me out.Avateur7/6/14 11:52 pm
                                                                                   Could we all just take a chill pill? *NM*Quirel7/6/14 11:56 pm
                                                     Re: You guys bum me out.Gravemind7/8/14 8:08 pm
                                                           Re: You guys bum me out.gamerguy20027/8/14 11:39 pm
                                               Hear hear *NM*Urban Reflex7/6/14 12:07 pm
                                               Re: You guys bum me out.Quirel7/6/14 1:49 pm
                                               Re: You guys bum me out.Avateur7/6/14 3:06 pm
                                               Re: You guys bum me out.Revenant19887/6/14 4:47 pm
                                         Re: I don't like that comparison.Hyokin7/6/14 11:25 am
                             Re: Dude, RevenantRevenant19887/6/14 4:58 pm
                                   Re: Dude, RevenantAvateur7/6/14 7:47 pm
                             Re: Dude, RevenantJironimo7/7/14 1:05 pm
                 Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungooseRC Master7/5/14 4:52 pm
                       Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungoosePkmnrulz2407/5/14 5:46 pm
                       Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungoosePhoenix_92867/5/14 5:51 pm
                             Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungooseGeneral Vagueness7/5/14 6:28 pm
                                   But equally as crappy. *NM*Pkmnrulz2407/5/14 7:02 pm
                             What you just wrote...Quirel7/5/14 8:09 pm
                             Derp...RC Master7/6/14 10:26 am
                                   Re: Derp...Hyokin7/6/14 10:31 am
                                   Re: Derp...Phoenix_92867/6/14 12:28 pm
                                         Re: Derp...RC Master7/6/14 4:49 pm
                                               Re: Derp...Hyokin7/6/14 9:16 pm
                                                     Re: Derp...uberfoop7/6/14 9:38 pm
                 Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungooseQuirel7/5/14 8:49 pm
                       Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungooseBanditORR7/5/14 10:22 pm
                             Re: Soooo the stuff they added, like the gungoosePhoenix_92867/6/14 12:10 am
                                   Great read! *NM*Quirel7/6/14 1:09 pm
                       Re: You guys are forgetting it's main role.Hyokin7/6/14 10:37 am
     Great panelserpx7/5/14 2:06 pm
           Re: Great panelArteenEsben7/5/14 11:07 pm
     Re: 343 at RTX Live - nowVAVA Mk27/5/14 2:41 pm
           Re: 343 at RTX Live - nowserpx7/5/14 2:54 pm
                 Re: 343 at RTX Live - nowVAVA Mk27/5/14 3:07 pm
                       Re: 343 at RTX Live - nowPostmortem7/5/14 3:18 pm
           Here you go!Chris101b7/5/14 5:28 pm
     Anyone got a tl;dr?UnrealCh13f7/5/14 2:52 pm
     They brought back on-screen callouts for new mapsGeneral Vagueness7/5/14 6:33 pm
     If you missed the panel, here is the linkChris101b7/5/14 8:02 pm
           Re: Thanks, Chris! *NM*Hyokin7/6/14 10:38 am

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