Maybe you already have, but do you care to explain your reasoning, if it's something beyond "I won't be getting an Xbox One?"
I was of the same mindset. I never bought a Kinect for the 360, and I never wanted one. However, I do have an Xbox One. I didn't plan to make use of the Kinect, and I still probably won't buy any "Kinect" games.
However, Kinect integration is much better/cooler than I anticipated. Navigating the Xbox One UI is awesome with Kinect. When I get off work, I usually put on a TV show on Netflix while I dick around on the computer for a bit. I pretty much always do it without touching the controller and instead use the voice commands.
Likewise, it's worked great in most of the games I'm playing, even though it's not complex. In Battlefield 4, for instance. I just say the words, "Need Medic" or "Need Ammo" or whatever, instead of holding down RB and selecting those things from a command list.
In Need For Speed Rivals, I just say "GPS Hideout" instead of using the D-pad to scroll through submenus to set the GPS coordinates.
I'm not asking or expecting huge things from Kinect integration, but everything scarab proposed sounds awesome. Just as simple as Marines responding to very basic voice commands. "Stop," "Cease Fire," "Target the Wraith," etc., sounds absolutely fantastic.
Basically, I think simple voice commands are awesome for every game I've used them in. It lets me do something while still focusing on whatever I was doing, without having to stop and navigate some sort of submenu.