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Re: Bioshock Infinite *OT*
Date: 4/8/13 1:47 am
In Response To: Re: Bioshock Infinite *OT* (Cody Miller)

: I haven't had a chance to play it yet, and I won't for some time, but I am
: curious to hear from those who have if it lives up to Adam's review.

: In the mean time, someone wrote something that exactly describes how I feel
: about storytelling in games, although probably better and in a less
: inflammatory way than I ever could.


: I leave it for folks to read, reflect on, and apply to Bioshock Infinite.

Meh. It's just a game.

Sure, it's a game with a very well developed story, and decent combat, but it's not some universe changing artistry that should be shifting anybody's views on video games themselves. I think it's getting all this attention not because it tells a good, internally consistent story, but because so few big name games do. Look at Halo 4 and it's story telling failures, for instance.

That said, I really did like it. Combat and respawning were a lot nicer to me than I remember BioShock 1 & 2 being. (In the previous games I seem to recall dieing meant I lost all the precious good ammo I used up before death, and all the enemies and scripted traps reset… Maybe I'm just misremembering as that sound brutal!) The addition of a recharging energy shield (nice mechanic, I wonder who popularized that? :p) gave me the freedom to try more things and made it feel less like I was being slowly ground down to death by low level enemies. The skyhooks and the options they give you during combat are fun once you get used to them. It also felt expansive, gameplay wise, for a UE3 game limited by what our current old consoles can do.

Messages In This Thread

Bioshock Infinite *OT*Cody Miller3/25/13 1:42 pm
     I'm buying it.Kermit3/25/13 1:46 pm
           Re: I'm buying it.Kermit3/25/13 1:48 pm
                 Re: I'm buying it.Cody Miller3/25/13 1:55 pm
                       Re: I'm buying it.Kermit3/25/13 2:04 pm
                             Re: I'm buying it.Chewbaccawakka3/25/13 3:14 pm
                             Re: I'm buying it.Revenant19883/25/13 3:44 pm
                                   Re: I'm buying it.Kermit3/25/13 4:23 pm
                                         I respect Cody's horribly wrong opinion. :Vmunky-0583/25/13 8:51 pm
                                         Re: I'm buying it.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)3/26/13 7:34 am
                       Bioshock 1 is the highest rated shooter this gen.bryan newman3/25/13 2:13 pm
                             Re: Bioshock 1 is the highest rated shooter this gKermit3/25/13 2:41 pm
                             Re: Bioshock 1 is the highest rated shooter this gAnton P. Nym (aka Steve)3/25/13 4:02 pm
                             Re: Bioshock 1 is the highest rated shooter this gscarab3/25/13 5:14 pm
                                   KERMIT DON"T READ ABOVE. SPOILER. *NM*Chewbaccawakka3/25/13 5:42 pm
                                         Re: KERMIT DON"T READ ABOVE. SPOILER.Kermit3/25/13 5:55 pm
                                               Re: KERMIT DON"T READ ABOVE. SPOILER.Chewbaccawakka3/25/13 5:58 pm
                                               KERMIT GO BEAT THE GAME ALREADYAvateur3/25/13 8:49 pm
                                                     Re: KERMIT GO BEAT THE GAME ALREADYCody Miller4/5/13 1:29 pm
                                                           Re: KERMIT GO BEAT THE GAME ALREADYAvateur4/5/13 8:38 pm
                                                                 Re: KERMIT GO BEAT THE GAME ALREADYZackDark4/5/13 9:44 pm
                                                                 Re: KERMIT GO BEAT THE GAME ALREADYCody Miller4/6/13 5:39 pm
                                                                       Re: KERMIT GO BEAT THE GAME ALREADYAvateur4/6/13 11:42 pm
                             Re: Bioshock 1 is the highest rated shooter this gAvateur3/25/13 8:47 pm
                       Re: I'm buying it.Revenant19883/25/13 2:40 pm
                             Re: I'm buying it.Cody Miller3/25/13 3:04 pm
                                   Re: I'm buying it.Revenant19883/25/13 3:36 pm
                                         Re: I'm buying it.Cody Miller3/25/13 3:45 pm
                                               Re: I'm buying it.Revenant19883/25/13 4:01 pm
                                                     Re: I'm buying it.Flynn J Taggart3/25/13 8:29 pm
                                         Re: I'm buying it.General Vagueness3/25/13 8:59 pm
                                         Re: I'm buying it.Avateur3/25/13 9:02 pm
                                   Re: I'm buying it.General Vagueness3/25/13 8:30 pm
                             Re: I'm buying it.Kermit3/25/13 4:48 pm
                             Re: I'm buying it.General Vagueness3/25/13 8:26 pm
                       Re: I'm buying it.Gravemind3/25/13 4:14 pm
     I can't wait!bryan newman3/25/13 1:55 pm
     Let Me Know How Them Skyhooks Work Out. XD *NM*Morpheus3/25/13 2:19 pm
           Re: Let Me Know How Them Skyhooks Work Out *IMG*Chewbaccawakka3/25/13 3:22 pm
                 +1 *NM*ZackDark3/25/13 4:09 pm
     Re: Bioshock Infinite *OT*SonGoharotto3/25/13 4:29 pm
     Re: Bioshock Infinite *OT*Asian Inferno3/25/13 5:53 pm
     Re: Bioshock Infinite *OT*stabbim3/25/13 6:44 pm
           Re: Bioshock Infinite *OT*scarab3/25/13 8:45 pm
                 Re: Bioshock Infinite *OT*ZackDark3/25/13 11:02 pm
           Re: Bioshock Infinite *OT*Cody Miller3/26/13 8:32 pm
     Re: Bioshock Infinite *OT*Cody Miller3/27/13 9:38 pm
           Thanks for the good readZackDark3/27/13 11:52 pm
           Re: Bioshock Infinite *Slight SPOILERS*Revenant19883/30/13 1:44 am
                 Re: Bioshock Infinite *Slight SPOILERS*DHalo3/30/13 4:02 pm
                       Re: Bioshock Infinite *Slight SPOILERS*Seraph xxvii3/30/13 4:31 pm
                             Also need to agree. *NM*UnrealCh13f3/31/13 1:06 am
                 Re: Bioshock Infinite *Slight SPOILERS*stabbim4/7/13 8:29 pm
           Re: Bioshock Infinite *OT*Ragashingo4/8/13 1:47 am
     Remember Vanquish?SonofMacPhisto3/28/13 6:25 pm
     VerdictCody Miller4/10/13 5:37 am
           Mistrial (SP*)Seraph xxvii4/10/13 6:56 am
                 Re: Mistrial (SP*)Revenant19884/10/13 8:28 am
                       Re: Mistrial (SP*)bryan newman4/10/13 2:01 pm
                             Re: Mistrial (SP*)Seraph XXVII4/13/13 2:57 pm
                 Re: Mistrial (SP*)Cody Miller4/24/13 4:55 pm
           Constants and VariablesRagashingo4/10/13 2:13 pm
                 Re: Constants and VariablesCody Miller4/13/13 1:31 pm
           Re: Verdicthunt3r4/24/13 11:31 pm

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