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Re: Surprise surprise, it seems to work better
By:Stephen L. (SoundEffect)
Date: 12/6/14 12:34 pm

: Interesting how this game works. You party lead? You wanna back your party
: out? Too bad, you're all getting split with the same potential of
: restarting the game. Stupid.

: But wait! Find a game, get in it, play it to completion, and all of a sudden
: the party lead can back out the entire party with them to start a new game
: again. Say what? 343 did a thing right!

: Emblems are still busted.

: My completed Lanfall achievement STILL says "Done! Unlocking..."
: after three weeks.

: Post carnage report is still busted. Best guy on our team apparently was
: killed most by us and killed us the most even though we were on the same
: team.

: Finding games even faster seems to be legit, but it's fairly spotty if you're
: playing with friends. No guarantee from one game to the next that it'll
: get done quickly. First attempt took nine minutes, second attempt took
: two, third attempt took four, fourth attempt took five. All over the
: place. Maybe the population is low, Halo 4 style due to blunders? No clue.

: Final assessment: Still mostly busted, but "improvements" are
: verified on many levels, particularly with finding games and keeping your
: party together after said games. Can they get this thing fixed by
: Christmas? Will Gravemind get to keep his Xbox One and MCC? Stay tuned
: next week for a new episode of "As the Patch Blunders"!

I tried to go into matchmaking for the first time since the MCC came out. I was playing the four campaigns first anyway so it was no rush.

This has been my first experience:

I went into Halo 2 Anniversary Rumble. I wait for about 5 minutes but no other players are discovered. I decide to pass the time by accessing the Halo Channel. I search out, with difficulty, the H2A terminals, since they usually refused to play when encountered in-game.

I queue up the one I want and the Halo Channel feels the need to inform me I'm watching the Halo Channel. It gives me two attempted starts of the video I requested, then it ends up playing a commentary of the revised Lockout map.

Huh? How'd that happen, no matter. I press the X logo on the controller because I should have some opponents in the matchmaking system now. Nope. Well, this is not productive. I'll back out and play some more campaign. says it's leaving matchmaking. For the next 4 minutes....

I'll just try and load my H2A terminal again. I can't seem to exit out of this Lockout video enough to get to a Halo Channel menu again. Grrr...

OK, I'll just play campaign. Still exiting matchmaking?!

I shut the Xbox....I mean, what else can I do?

Long story short....congrats to those who have been able to try out matchmaking on the MCC.

Messages In This Thread

New alleged MCC patch outAvateur12/3/14 8:17 pm
     My bad, I blunderedAvateur12/3/14 8:19 pm
     Re: New alleged MCC patch outzofinda12/3/14 8:22 pm
           Re: New alleged MCC patch outAvateur12/3/14 8:26 pm
                 Re: New alleged MCC patch outThe BS Police12/3/14 8:28 pm
                       Re: New alleged MCC patch outAvateur12/3/14 8:31 pm
                             Re: New alleged MCC patch outzofinda12/3/14 8:48 pm
                                   Re: New alleged MCC patch outzofinda12/3/14 9:50 pm
                                   Re: New alleged MCC patch outThe BS Police12/3/14 10:15 pm
                                         Re: New alleged MCC patch outAvateur12/3/14 10:20 pm
                                               Re: New alleged MCC patch outThe BS Police12/3/14 10:24 pm
     Re: New alleged MCC patch outAzo 'Galvat12/3/14 9:56 pm
     General consensus?yakaman12/4/14 1:31 pm
           Re: General consensus?Avateur12/4/14 3:30 pm
           Re: General consensus?Xmoosev312/4/14 5:47 pm
           It's getting there.LostSpartan98712/4/14 10:05 pm
           Re: General consensus? - Let me summarize:yakaman12/5/14 9:08 am
     Re: This one actually helped for me.Hyokin12/4/14 7:33 pm
           Re: This one actually helped for me.zofinda12/4/14 9:36 pm
           Surprise surprise, it seems to work betterAvateur12/4/14 11:45 pm
                 *Landfall *NM*UnrealCh13f12/5/14 1:15 am
                 Blunders galore in this thread of mine *NM*Avateur12/5/14 1:23 am
                 Re: Surprise surprise, it seems to work betterStephen L. (SoundEffect)12/6/14 12:34 pm
                       Re: Surprise surprise, it seems to work betterasa12/6/14 1:26 pm
                 Re: Surprise surprise, it seems to work betterRC Master12/6/14 3:26 pm
     "Alleged" indeed. Still broke as fuck.Gravemind12/6/14 11:22 am
           I get a match every time I search, almost.Rice12/6/14 12:12 pm
                 Re: I get a match every time I search, almost.Hyokin12/6/14 1:32 pm
                 Re: I get a match every time I search, almost.Moorpheusl912/6/14 1:48 pm
                 Re: I get a match every time I search, almost.Avateur12/6/14 7:36 pm
           Re: "Alleged" indeed. Still broke as fuck.ArteenEsben12/6/14 4:50 pm

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