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Re: General consensus?
Date: 12/4/14 5:47 pm
In Response To: General consensus? (yakaman)

: I've been keeping my head down until the 'all clear' comes through. Is it
: worth it yet to download patches? Shall I just hold off?

: Remember, I have a crotchety DSL connection so the download is a relatively
: significant commitment.

Haha well here's a summary of six searches in team slayer post update. I just went in by myself, no team.

Game 1. Game found in 5 minutes. Game goes into load screen mode for Last Resort. While loading I lose connection apparently.

Game 2. Full match found in 5 minutes. I'd say only seconds before we are about to vote for a map, somehow a member takes control over the "party" and then makes us search for big team battle. I laughed as the poor guy just wants to play some big team battle and so do I. (I've yet to play a Big Team Battle match yet). But in a minute everyone leaves.

Game 3. Game found in four minutes. Game about to start. Game Fails. I end up in a lobby with which says Pillar of Autumn.

Game 4. Same as 3.

Game 5. In about four minutes of searching , I have become party leader over the players found. I am able to dictate what we can play just like what happened earlier except I am the leader. Everyone realizes the search is its stuffing up, everyone leaves.

6. Finally get a game, and its 4 v 1 in Halo 3. I'm the 1. :) Close Game through 23-18.

Messages In This Thread

New alleged MCC patch outAvateur12/3/14 8:17 pm
     My bad, I blunderedAvateur12/3/14 8:19 pm
     Re: New alleged MCC patch outzofinda12/3/14 8:22 pm
           Re: New alleged MCC patch outAvateur12/3/14 8:26 pm
                 Re: New alleged MCC patch outThe BS Police12/3/14 8:28 pm
                       Re: New alleged MCC patch outAvateur12/3/14 8:31 pm
                             Re: New alleged MCC patch outzofinda12/3/14 8:48 pm
                                   Re: New alleged MCC patch outzofinda12/3/14 9:50 pm
                                   Re: New alleged MCC patch outThe BS Police12/3/14 10:15 pm
                                         Re: New alleged MCC patch outAvateur12/3/14 10:20 pm
                                               Re: New alleged MCC patch outThe BS Police12/3/14 10:24 pm
     Re: New alleged MCC patch outAzo 'Galvat12/3/14 9:56 pm
     General consensus?yakaman12/4/14 1:31 pm
           Re: General consensus?Avateur12/4/14 3:30 pm
           Re: General consensus?Xmoosev312/4/14 5:47 pm
           It's getting there.LostSpartan98712/4/14 10:05 pm
           Re: General consensus? - Let me summarize:yakaman12/5/14 9:08 am
     Re: This one actually helped for me.Hyokin12/4/14 7:33 pm
           Re: This one actually helped for me.zofinda12/4/14 9:36 pm
           Surprise surprise, it seems to work betterAvateur12/4/14 11:45 pm
                 *Landfall *NM*UnrealCh13f12/5/14 1:15 am
                 Blunders galore in this thread of mine *NM*Avateur12/5/14 1:23 am
                 Re: Surprise surprise, it seems to work betterStephen L. (SoundEffect)12/6/14 12:34 pm
                       Re: Surprise surprise, it seems to work betterasa12/6/14 1:26 pm
                 Re: Surprise surprise, it seems to work betterRC Master12/6/14 3:26 pm
     "Alleged" indeed. Still broke as fuck.Gravemind12/6/14 11:22 am
           I get a match every time I search, almost.Rice12/6/14 12:12 pm
                 Re: I get a match every time I search, almost.Hyokin12/6/14 1:32 pm
                 Re: I get a match every time I search, almost.Moorpheusl912/6/14 1:48 pm
                 Re: I get a match every time I search, almost.Avateur12/6/14 7:36 pm
           Re: "Alleged" indeed. Still broke as fuck.ArteenEsben12/6/14 4:50 pm

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