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Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.
Date: 11/21/14 1:32 pm
In Response To: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC. (Gravemind)

: If not, I'm going back to GameStop and getting my money back.

: The MCC was the main reason I bought an XBO. I already had a Wii U and a PS4,
: which covered pretty much everything except Halo, but because Halo was an : Xbox exclusive, that gave me incentive to still get an XBO. The MCC was to
: me a more exciting product than Halo 5. From my point of view, the ability
: to play Halo 1 online was a big selling point, perhaps the biggest. I

: haven't had the ability to play that game's MP in years, and the days of
: big LAN parties are long gone, so being able to revisit those days was to
: me worth the price of a new console. Now it seems that that the ability to
: play Halo 1 (and Halo 2, 3, & 4) online is severely compromised by a
: botched product plagued with broken matchmaking and a broken party system.
: The patch intended to fix the various issues with the product did jack
: squat. The MCC is still broken.

Playing Halo 1 online once again was the biggest feature for me to purchase an Xbox One. It's not practical to try and get games on XBConnect anymore. The population is low and no one wants to figure out port forwarding anymore. I never went to LAN parties so XBC was the only way I could enjoy the multiplayer. It's great that the PC only maps are included but I don't see how I will ever play them. If and when the Halo 1 playlist actually shows up it's been mentioned that it will be 2v2. That's nice for Chill Out or HeH but Timberlands, Infinity? I was really looking forward to 4v4 so the larger maps could be played. I guess I will need to add a bunch of people to friends list and do customs.

I would have been happy with just a straight up port of Halo 2 and Halo 1 with proper multiplayer. I don't need the graphics update or Halo 3 or 4 when those two are still playable. My three close friends have the same opinion but they haven't plonked down the dollars to invest in an Xbox One or re-upped for another year of Gold. I can't suggest they do so with the current state of the game. We're all older now with families and time is precious. Wasting the one hour available in the evening searching for matches is not a good use of time.

I bought my Xbox One in early November and passed the time with Destiny. Not a great game but it works, and was at least worth the cost of the game. I'm passed my return policy for the console so I'm hoping that somehow, someway MCC will get to a point where it's what you would expect the game to be in the first place. The tiny % of the time I've gotten a proper match in Halo 1 or 2 it's been an absolute blast. Only to have it squashed by the game crashing itself or the entire console once the match is over.

My gamer tag is: Bosticman

I'm not an elite Halo 1 player in that I haven't committed to memory every spawn and random spawn but I'll time power ups and can hold my own.

Messages In This Thread

343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 12:13 pm
     Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.gamerguy200211/21/14 12:24 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 12:40 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.MixMaker111/21/14 12:44 pm
                       Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 1:42 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.gamerguy200211/21/14 1:29 pm
                       Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.uberfoop11/21/14 1:43 pm
                             Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Avateur11/21/14 3:29 pm
                                   Oof.yakaman11/21/14 3:33 pm
                                         Re: Oof.Azo 'Galvat11/22/14 8:25 am
                       Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 1:45 pm
     Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Bosticman11/21/14 1:32 pm
     Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.SEspider11/21/14 3:44 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Schooly D11/21/14 4:07 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.NartFOpc11/21/14 4:20 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Azo 'Galvat11/22/14 8:20 am
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.uberfoop11/21/14 4:32 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Mid7night11/21/14 8:42 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Crazedone198811/21/14 7:12 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 8:23 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Avateur11/21/14 8:36 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Moorpheusl911/22/14 5:01 am

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