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Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.
Date: 11/21/14 4:20 pm
In Response To: Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC. (SEspider)

: Players seem to be forgetting that there are FOUR DIFFERENT GAME ENGINES on
: ONE GAME that has to be processed and dealt out accordingly to the
: corresponding players, servers and website. Not only that, there's the
: issue of millions players leaving one game engine and jumping right into
: another on THE SAME SERVERS.

Those who built this game knew what they wrought. (And should have done more testing to make sure it worked before shipping it)

Messages In This Thread

343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 12:13 pm
     Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.gamerguy200211/21/14 12:24 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 12:40 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.MixMaker111/21/14 12:44 pm
                       Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 1:42 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.gamerguy200211/21/14 1:29 pm
                       Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.uberfoop11/21/14 1:43 pm
                             Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Avateur11/21/14 3:29 pm
                                   Oof.yakaman11/21/14 3:33 pm
                                         Re: Oof.Azo 'Galvat11/22/14 8:25 am
                       Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 1:45 pm
     Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Bosticman11/21/14 1:32 pm
     Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.SEspider11/21/14 3:44 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Schooly D11/21/14 4:07 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.NartFOpc11/21/14 4:20 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Azo 'Galvat11/22/14 8:20 am
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.uberfoop11/21/14 4:32 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Mid7night11/21/14 8:42 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Crazedone198811/21/14 7:12 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 8:23 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Avateur11/21/14 8:36 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Moorpheusl911/22/14 5:01 am

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