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Gender expectations
By:Cody Miller
Date: 3/20/14 4:22 am

Perhaps I am missing something here:

How is this damaging? With the exception of detached and tall, everything in that box is a positive trait. Everything except short and 'like a girl' is likewise negative trait.

Should we not ENCOURAGE men to adopt positive traits, and avoid the negative ones?

I do not understand this article at all. A certain level of fear is healthy, but emotionally mature men should be able to deal with it and not let it control them. Kind of like the MC!

"Changing the way developers think about their protagonists is the first step to making sure video games take themselves out of the "act like a man box."

But that box is full of healthy traits… I seriously don't get this.

Messages In This Thread

Gender expectationsCody Miller3/20/14 4:22 am
     Nail. Head. *NM*The Loot3/20/14 4:37 am
     Re: Gender expectationsKal3/20/14 10:24 am
           Re: Gender expectationsXenos3/20/14 11:41 am
                 Re: Gender expectationsKal3/20/14 11:55 am
                       Re: Gender expectationsXenos3/20/14 2:00 pm
           +1Arithmomaniac3/20/14 12:09 pm
     Re: Gender expectationsGrizzlei3/20/14 2:38 pm
           Re: Gender expectationsCody Miller3/20/14 5:30 pm
                 Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*Grizzlei3/20/14 6:24 pm
                       That last paragraphZackDark3/20/14 6:53 pm
                             Re: That last paragraphGrizzlei3/20/14 7:01 pm
                                   Re: That last paragraphZackDark3/20/14 10:18 pm
                       Re: Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*Cody Miller3/20/14 8:21 pm
                             Re: Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*Kal3/20/14 8:30 pm
                                   Re: Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*Cody Miller3/20/14 8:47 pm
                             Re: Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*Grizzlei3/20/14 9:06 pm
                                   Input from the fly on the wallSonofMacPhisto3/21/14 11:20 am
                                         Re: Input from the fly on the wallThe Loot3/22/14 7:46 pm

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