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We've got one
Date: 12/4/13 10:03 am
In Response To: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One? *NM* (rhubarb)

We haven't played many games on it yet since the launch titles don't really speak to us. But the TV integration is outstanding. It's really awesome turning on the Xbox, the TV, and the stereo system and switching to a channel, all with just my voice, as I'm walking through the living room.

We always lose our cable remotes, but now we never need them again!

I haven't used any of the features that have received the most complaints, such as the party system and game invites, since most of our friends are still playing Halo 4 on the 360. But hopefully those issues will be addressed in the first dashboard update.

Right now my recommendation would be to only buy the Xbox One if you have a cable TV subscription and you honestly have no better use for your $500. Otherwise wait until Spring when Titanfall and Destiny are released and there is a round of updates to the UI.

Messages In This Thread

Has anyone here bought an Xbox One? *NM*rhubarb12/3/13 5:40 pm
     Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Xenos12/3/13 5:44 pm
     Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?pete_the_duck12/3/13 5:50 pm
           Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Cody Miller12/3/13 7:27 pm
                 Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?pete_the_duck12/3/13 8:02 pm
                 Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Kal12/4/13 9:56 am
     Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Clarion12/3/13 5:59 pm
           Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?stabbim12/3/13 6:03 pm
                 Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Xenos12/3/13 6:17 pm
           Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?davidfuchs12/3/13 6:20 pm
     Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?stabbim12/3/13 6:06 pm
     Not yet.Gravemind12/3/13 9:55 pm
           Re: Not yet.davidfuchs12/4/13 10:19 am
                 Re: Not yet.Kal12/4/13 11:01 am
                       Re: Not yet.davidfuchs12/5/13 2:29 pm
                             I'd buy oneKal12/5/13 3:00 pm
     Not yet.uberfoop12/3/13 11:38 pm
     Not yet.Urban Reflex12/4/13 3:07 am
     Yep!breitzen12/4/13 8:53 am
     We've got oneKal12/4/13 10:03 am
     Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Jironimo12/4/13 11:50 am
     Not at the momentMoorpheusl912/4/13 6:26 pm
     not at that pricehunt3r12/5/13 2:57 am
     YES! *NM*bryan newman12/5/13 7:22 am

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