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Date: 12/4/13 8:53 am
In Response To: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One? *NM* (rhubarb)

And I'm loving it. It's easy to pick out weak points and be nit picky.
I find the kinect and voice commands to be very nice, the Game DVR is a step in the right direction (I think they need 1080 suport and the ability to record longer).
I really wish the friends/social app was up along the top front UI between HOME and STORE.
Right now I'm pretty frustrated with Battlefield 4, but that's EA/DICE's problem not MS. And Forza is spectacular (visually and gameplay, I hear there's a fix for the economy).
It's also awesome that my wife/friends can make their own accounts and piggy back off my XBOX LIVE.

All in all, I am very happy. I'll get even more excited when Battlefield is patched and Titanfall/Destiny are here.

Messages In This Thread

Has anyone here bought an Xbox One? *NM*rhubarb12/3/13 5:40 pm
     Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Xenos12/3/13 5:44 pm
     Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?pete_the_duck12/3/13 5:50 pm
           Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Cody Miller12/3/13 7:27 pm
                 Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?pete_the_duck12/3/13 8:02 pm
                 Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Kal12/4/13 9:56 am
     Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Clarion12/3/13 5:59 pm
           Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?stabbim12/3/13 6:03 pm
                 Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Xenos12/3/13 6:17 pm
           Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?davidfuchs12/3/13 6:20 pm
     Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?stabbim12/3/13 6:06 pm
     Not yet.Gravemind12/3/13 9:55 pm
           Re: Not yet.davidfuchs12/4/13 10:19 am
                 Re: Not yet.Kal12/4/13 11:01 am
                       Re: Not yet.davidfuchs12/5/13 2:29 pm
                             I'd buy oneKal12/5/13 3:00 pm
     Not yet.uberfoop12/3/13 11:38 pm
     Not yet.Urban Reflex12/4/13 3:07 am
     Yep!breitzen12/4/13 8:53 am
     We've got oneKal12/4/13 10:03 am
     Re: Has anyone here bought an Xbox One?Jironimo12/4/13 11:50 am
     Not at the momentMoorpheusl912/4/13 6:26 pm
     not at that pricehunt3r12/5/13 2:57 am
     YES! *NM*bryan newman12/5/13 7:22 am

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