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Date: 7/6/15 5:08 pm

: You're doing it right, as far as I'm concerned. Preorder from
: developers/publishers you trust with the privilege.

I'm in the same boat. I preordered Fallout 4 Super Duper Pip-Boy edition not only because it looks like a cool, fancy gimmick, but also because Bethesda's releases have never let me down once.

: As far as Bungie's concerned, fuck 'em. There's no respect for their
: playerbase anymore, if there ever was. At least 343 isn't outright
: insulting us (that I know of).

My faith in Bungie was lost with Destiny. In hindsight it makes me wonder if I was a loyal fan of their studio or just someone who appreciated their work on Halo. For 343 Industries it's an entirely different picture. This is a franchise I've put a couple thousand bucks in over the past twelve years from itsy bitsy digital comic issues and Grunt plushies to special edition consoles.

I have no problem giving my money to them so long as they keep the franchise going. For me I've rarely been let down to the same degree that most people on here have been with 343 Industries. They've done good work with great intentions. Everyone has missteps, small or big, but none of that matters compared to what they learn from those tribulations. Everything I've seen or read about Halo 5 leads me to believe they're back on the right track.

There's no doubt in my mind that Halo 5 will have, at the very least, a well-crafted and interesting narrative to add to the Halo universe. I could care less about screen resolution, frames per second, dedicated servers, or anything about multiplayer.

Messages In This Thread

Are you preordering Halo 5?Moorpheusl97/5/15 11:54 am
     Definitely NOT preorderingscarab7/5/15 12:16 pm
           i pre-order halo 5Bounce-A-Gon7/5/15 2:04 pm
                 Re: i pre-order halo 5Grizzlei7/5/15 2:42 pm
                       Re: i pre-order halo 5 lets be honestBounce-A-Gon7/5/15 3:07 pm
                             Re: i pre-order halo 5 lets be honestHyokin7/5/15 9:01 pm
                 Re: i pre-order halo 5General Vagueness7/6/15 12:19 am
                       Will continue to pre-order from those I trust...yakaman7/6/15 2:13 pm
                             Re: Will continue to pre-order from those I trust.thebruce07/6/15 3:01 pm
                                   Re: Will continue to pre-order from those I trust.yakaman7/6/15 6:17 pm
                             Re: Will continue to pre-order from those I trust.Azo 'Galvat7/6/15 4:48 pm
                                   +1Grizzlei7/6/15 5:08 pm
                                         Re: +1 +1 *NM*kidtsunami7/6/15 6:12 pm
                                         Re: +1yakaman7/6/15 6:14 pm
                                               Re: +1 +1 *NM*thebruce07/7/15 9:14 am
     MaybeVincent7/5/15 1:22 pm
     Yep!Grizzlei7/5/15 2:37 pm
     Re: Nope.Hyokin7/5/15 2:45 pm
     DependsUrban Reflex7/5/15 2:59 pm
           Re: DependsMoorpheusl97/5/15 3:19 pm
                 Re: Dependsasa7/5/15 3:59 pm
                       Re: DependsMoorpheusl97/5/15 4:13 pm
                             Re: Dependsasa7/5/15 4:23 pm
     Probably.serpx7/5/15 3:26 pm
     Preordering it? Ha!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/5/15 4:34 pm
           Just curious...yakaman7/6/15 2:24 pm
                 Re: Just curious...Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/6/15 6:15 pm
                       I strongly disagree with youkidtsunami7/7/15 6:18 pm
     Pre-orders are meaningless today. Stop doing them. *NM*Revenant19887/5/15 4:51 pm
           But, midnight launches. *NM*Gravemind7/5/15 6:10 pm
     Nope.Phoenix_92867/5/15 5:06 pm
     Nah.Quirel7/5/15 5:28 pm
           Same here. *NM*robofin1177/5/15 5:56 pm
     Noooope!LostSpartan9877/5/15 7:08 pm
     Absolutely notpadraig087/5/15 8:06 pm
           very few people at large have the same halo values *NM*Bounce-A-Gon7/5/15 9:15 pm
                 BTW, your new nickname is Mr. Sunshine.Quirel7/6/15 3:04 am
                       Re: BTW, your new nickname is Mr. Sunshine.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/6/15 6:03 am
                             ^What he said... Oddly enough. *NM*munky-0587/6/15 4:56 pm
                       Great words, my friend.robofin1177/6/15 6:02 pm
                       Thanks. All of you. *NM*Quirel7/8/15 1:01 am
     Yeazofinda7/5/15 8:56 pm
     You're an idiot if you do.Pkmnrulz2407/5/15 9:30 pm
           It is the year 2016 C.E.Grizzlei7/5/15 9:43 pm
                 Re: It is the year 2016 C.E.Hyokin7/5/15 9:54 pm
           hey look at meBounce-A-Gon7/5/15 9:47 pm
                 I don't think he means the game itselfZackDark7/5/15 10:03 pm
                       oh hell nohunt3r7/6/15 5:18 am
                             They are meaningless.Revenant19887/6/15 6:55 am
                                   Re: They are meaningless.Gravemind7/6/15 2:32 pm
                                         Re: They are meaningless.Revenant19887/6/15 7:25 pm
                                               *path. Path of least resistance. *NM*Revenant19887/6/15 7:29 pm
                                               Re: They are meaningless.Gravemind7/6/15 11:13 pm
                                                     *drops mic* *NM*thebruce07/7/15 9:19 am
                                                     Re: They are meaningless.Revenant19887/7/15 7:18 pm
                       Re: I don't think he means the game itselfPkmnrulz2407/6/15 12:23 pm
                             it may be a weak arguementBounce-A-Gon7/6/15 3:59 pm
                                   Wrong.munky-0587/6/15 4:51 pm
                                         Re: Wrong.Bounce-A-Gon7/6/15 5:30 pm
                                               Re: Wrong.thebruce07/7/15 9:23 am
                             Re: I don't think he means the game itselfserpx7/7/15 4:20 pm
                 Re: hey look at meGeneral Vagueness7/6/15 1:13 pm
     Re: Are you preordering Halo 5?MacGyver107/6/15 10:15 am
     Probably not...yakaman7/6/15 2:16 pm
     Re: Are you preordering Halo 5?GreyThor7/7/15 3:31 am
           *OT* gah!thebruce07/7/15 9:24 am
                 There, there. *pats on shoulder*robofin1177/8/15 12:19 am
     Re: Are you preordering Halo 5?ForeignDevil7/11/15 1:17 am

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