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Re: Depends
Date: 7/5/15 3:19 pm
In Response To: Depends (Urban Reflex)

: The Limited Edition looks all right, but Game have it listed as £80, and I
: don't want to pay twice the price of a normal copy. I don't even really
: want the statue, just the extended universe content which looks pretty
: basic. If I decide to get this version then I'll pre-order, if I can find
: it cheaper via Amazon or ShopTo. I'd kick myself if it really was limited
: (for the first time ever)...

: I also still need an Xbox One.

Amazon have the limited editions on their site but I'm wondering if it's GAME-specific and they've just not removed it (it does say 'Not currently available to preorder' (or words to that effect) on Amazon)

£80 is the issue for me too. The FoR animated stuff is all that really interests me to be honest. If the premium req packs are anything like FIFA Ultimate Team packs then I'll get sweet-FA out of them.

The paper stuff sounds neat though.

Messages In This Thread

Are you preordering Halo 5?Moorpheusl97/5/15 11:54 am
     Definitely NOT preorderingscarab7/5/15 12:16 pm
           i pre-order halo 5Bounce-A-Gon7/5/15 2:04 pm
                 Re: i pre-order halo 5Grizzlei7/5/15 2:42 pm
                       Re: i pre-order halo 5 lets be honestBounce-A-Gon7/5/15 3:07 pm
                             Re: i pre-order halo 5 lets be honestHyokin7/5/15 9:01 pm
                 Re: i pre-order halo 5General Vagueness7/6/15 12:19 am
                       Will continue to pre-order from those I trust...yakaman7/6/15 2:13 pm
                             Re: Will continue to pre-order from those I trust.thebruce07/6/15 3:01 pm
                                   Re: Will continue to pre-order from those I trust.yakaman7/6/15 6:17 pm
                             Re: Will continue to pre-order from those I trust.Azo 'Galvat7/6/15 4:48 pm
                                   +1Grizzlei7/6/15 5:08 pm
                                         Re: +1 +1 *NM*kidtsunami7/6/15 6:12 pm
                                         Re: +1yakaman7/6/15 6:14 pm
                                               Re: +1 +1 *NM*thebruce07/7/15 9:14 am
     MaybeVincent7/5/15 1:22 pm
     Yep!Grizzlei7/5/15 2:37 pm
     Re: Nope.Hyokin7/5/15 2:45 pm
     DependsUrban Reflex7/5/15 2:59 pm
           Re: DependsMoorpheusl97/5/15 3:19 pm
                 Re: Dependsasa7/5/15 3:59 pm
                       Re: DependsMoorpheusl97/5/15 4:13 pm
                             Re: Dependsasa7/5/15 4:23 pm
     Probably.serpx7/5/15 3:26 pm
     Preordering it? Ha!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/5/15 4:34 pm
           Just curious...yakaman7/6/15 2:24 pm
                 Re: Just curious...Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/6/15 6:15 pm
                       I strongly disagree with youkidtsunami7/7/15 6:18 pm
     Pre-orders are meaningless today. Stop doing them. *NM*Revenant19887/5/15 4:51 pm
           But, midnight launches. *NM*Gravemind7/5/15 6:10 pm
     Nope.Phoenix_92867/5/15 5:06 pm
     Nah.Quirel7/5/15 5:28 pm
           Same here. *NM*robofin1177/5/15 5:56 pm
     Noooope!LostSpartan9877/5/15 7:08 pm
     Absolutely notpadraig087/5/15 8:06 pm
           very few people at large have the same halo values *NM*Bounce-A-Gon7/5/15 9:15 pm
                 BTW, your new nickname is Mr. Sunshine.Quirel7/6/15 3:04 am
                       Re: BTW, your new nickname is Mr. Sunshine.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/6/15 6:03 am
                             ^What he said... Oddly enough. *NM*munky-0587/6/15 4:56 pm
                       Great words, my friend.robofin1177/6/15 6:02 pm
                       Thanks. All of you. *NM*Quirel7/8/15 1:01 am
     Yeazofinda7/5/15 8:56 pm
     You're an idiot if you do.Pkmnrulz2407/5/15 9:30 pm
           It is the year 2016 C.E.Grizzlei7/5/15 9:43 pm
                 Re: It is the year 2016 C.E.Hyokin7/5/15 9:54 pm
           hey look at meBounce-A-Gon7/5/15 9:47 pm
                 I don't think he means the game itselfZackDark7/5/15 10:03 pm
                       oh hell nohunt3r7/6/15 5:18 am
                             They are meaningless.Revenant19887/6/15 6:55 am
                                   Re: They are meaningless.Gravemind7/6/15 2:32 pm
                                         Re: They are meaningless.Revenant19887/6/15 7:25 pm
                                               *path. Path of least resistance. *NM*Revenant19887/6/15 7:29 pm
                                               Re: They are meaningless.Gravemind7/6/15 11:13 pm
                                                     *drops mic* *NM*thebruce07/7/15 9:19 am
                                                     Re: They are meaningless.Revenant19887/7/15 7:18 pm
                       Re: I don't think he means the game itselfPkmnrulz2407/6/15 12:23 pm
                             it may be a weak arguementBounce-A-Gon7/6/15 3:59 pm
                                   Wrong.munky-0587/6/15 4:51 pm
                                         Re: Wrong.Bounce-A-Gon7/6/15 5:30 pm
                                               Re: Wrong.thebruce07/7/15 9:23 am
                             Re: I don't think he means the game itselfserpx7/7/15 4:20 pm
                 Re: hey look at meGeneral Vagueness7/6/15 1:13 pm
     Re: Are you preordering Halo 5?MacGyver107/6/15 10:15 am
     Probably not...yakaman7/6/15 2:16 pm
     Re: Are you preordering Halo 5?GreyThor7/7/15 3:31 am
           *OT* gah!thebruce07/7/15 9:24 am
                 There, there. *pats on shoulder*robofin1177/8/15 12:19 am
     Re: Are you preordering Halo 5?ForeignDevil7/11/15 1:17 am

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