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Re: Nope.
Date: 7/5/15 2:45 pm
In Response To: Are you preordering Halo 5? (Moorpheusl9)

Some of the things I've seen have been good and the Beta was sort of fun, but it was too heavily focused on the Lockout/Midship/Arena gameplay and not enough traditional Slayer. We also never got to try any Covenant weapons or ANY vehicles.

War Zone looks interesting, but I feel like it'll be similar to Invasion in that it'll be popular at launch but matchmaking times will grow as players lose interest and trying to cram 24-people into a single match when MCC can barely handle 4-v-4 makes me doubtful of it's future.

REQ packs and the whole concept of an in-game "buy your DMR" stuff similar to Halo 4 has left a sour taste in my mouth and the possibility of less armor customization is really off-putting.

We've also seen next to nothing for Forge, Customs, or Theater.

Those are the three biggest modes for me and until I see something concrete or uniquely interesting about any of them, I am not preordering. Not to mention the whole Preordering-in-general bullshit and unpolished game releases because of it.

I'll pick up Halo 5 Day One, but I am not preordering any games unless I am overwhelmingly convinced to do so and only Fallout 4 has even had a glimmer of hope in that regard... :\

Messages In This Thread

Are you preordering Halo 5?Moorpheusl97/5/15 11:54 am
     Definitely NOT preorderingscarab7/5/15 12:16 pm
           i pre-order halo 5Bounce-A-Gon7/5/15 2:04 pm
                 Re: i pre-order halo 5Grizzlei7/5/15 2:42 pm
                       Re: i pre-order halo 5 lets be honestBounce-A-Gon7/5/15 3:07 pm
                             Re: i pre-order halo 5 lets be honestHyokin7/5/15 9:01 pm
                 Re: i pre-order halo 5General Vagueness7/6/15 12:19 am
                       Will continue to pre-order from those I trust...yakaman7/6/15 2:13 pm
                             Re: Will continue to pre-order from those I trust.thebruce07/6/15 3:01 pm
                                   Re: Will continue to pre-order from those I trust.yakaman7/6/15 6:17 pm
                             Re: Will continue to pre-order from those I trust.Azo 'Galvat7/6/15 4:48 pm
                                   +1Grizzlei7/6/15 5:08 pm
                                         Re: +1 +1 *NM*kidtsunami7/6/15 6:12 pm
                                         Re: +1yakaman7/6/15 6:14 pm
                                               Re: +1 +1 *NM*thebruce07/7/15 9:14 am
     MaybeVincent7/5/15 1:22 pm
     Yep!Grizzlei7/5/15 2:37 pm
     Re: Nope.Hyokin7/5/15 2:45 pm
     DependsUrban Reflex7/5/15 2:59 pm
           Re: DependsMoorpheusl97/5/15 3:19 pm
                 Re: Dependsasa7/5/15 3:59 pm
                       Re: DependsMoorpheusl97/5/15 4:13 pm
                             Re: Dependsasa7/5/15 4:23 pm
     Probably.serpx7/5/15 3:26 pm
     Preordering it? Ha!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/5/15 4:34 pm
           Just curious...yakaman7/6/15 2:24 pm
                 Re: Just curious...Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/6/15 6:15 pm
                       I strongly disagree with youkidtsunami7/7/15 6:18 pm
     Pre-orders are meaningless today. Stop doing them. *NM*Revenant19887/5/15 4:51 pm
           But, midnight launches. *NM*Gravemind7/5/15 6:10 pm
     Nope.Phoenix_92867/5/15 5:06 pm
     Nah.Quirel7/5/15 5:28 pm
           Same here. *NM*robofin1177/5/15 5:56 pm
     Noooope!LostSpartan9877/5/15 7:08 pm
     Absolutely notpadraig087/5/15 8:06 pm
           very few people at large have the same halo values *NM*Bounce-A-Gon7/5/15 9:15 pm
                 BTW, your new nickname is Mr. Sunshine.Quirel7/6/15 3:04 am
                       Re: BTW, your new nickname is Mr. Sunshine.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/6/15 6:03 am
                             ^What he said... Oddly enough. *NM*munky-0587/6/15 4:56 pm
                       Great words, my friend.robofin1177/6/15 6:02 pm
                       Thanks. All of you. *NM*Quirel7/8/15 1:01 am
     Yeazofinda7/5/15 8:56 pm
     You're an idiot if you do.Pkmnrulz2407/5/15 9:30 pm
           It is the year 2016 C.E.Grizzlei7/5/15 9:43 pm
                 Re: It is the year 2016 C.E.Hyokin7/5/15 9:54 pm
           hey look at meBounce-A-Gon7/5/15 9:47 pm
                 I don't think he means the game itselfZackDark7/5/15 10:03 pm
                       oh hell nohunt3r7/6/15 5:18 am
                             They are meaningless.Revenant19887/6/15 6:55 am
                                   Re: They are meaningless.Gravemind7/6/15 2:32 pm
                                         Re: They are meaningless.Revenant19887/6/15 7:25 pm
                                               *path. Path of least resistance. *NM*Revenant19887/6/15 7:29 pm
                                               Re: They are meaningless.Gravemind7/6/15 11:13 pm
                                                     *drops mic* *NM*thebruce07/7/15 9:19 am
                                                     Re: They are meaningless.Revenant19887/7/15 7:18 pm
                       Re: I don't think he means the game itselfPkmnrulz2407/6/15 12:23 pm
                             it may be a weak arguementBounce-A-Gon7/6/15 3:59 pm
                                   Wrong.munky-0587/6/15 4:51 pm
                                         Re: Wrong.Bounce-A-Gon7/6/15 5:30 pm
                                               Re: Wrong.thebruce07/7/15 9:23 am
                             Re: I don't think he means the game itselfserpx7/7/15 4:20 pm
                 Re: hey look at meGeneral Vagueness7/6/15 1:13 pm
     Re: Are you preordering Halo 5?MacGyver107/6/15 10:15 am
     Probably not...yakaman7/6/15 2:16 pm
     Re: Are you preordering Halo 5?GreyThor7/7/15 3:31 am
           *OT* gah!thebruce07/7/15 9:24 am
                 There, there. *pats on shoulder*robofin1177/8/15 12:19 am
     Re: Are you preordering Halo 5?ForeignDevil7/11/15 1:17 am

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