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Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgers
Date: 11/14/14 10:20 pm
In Response To: Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgers (pete_the_duck)

: If that fails, you can try getting them out of sync by using the power
: channel, but it would be tricky.

: You would need to power off one door, activate the common broadcast channel
: (opening the power door and not doing anything to the unpowered door), and
: then power the door back on. You'd need multiple timers and probably some
: headache medicine to do all that.

: I'll keep an eye out for funky teleporter behavior!

Pete, are you sure that would work? From what I'm seeing, as soon as you power that door back on, it will check the state of the channel (on or off), and change its position to match that of the channel. I'm not seeing that the on/off is a one-time command sent through the channel, but rather a continuous state.

I'm thinking the doors are going to have to be on separate broadcast channels linked by timers/switches somehow. My idea in my other post was to have a trigger that upon a player spawning into or entering it, changes the state on one channel, opening a door. That trigger than activates a timer that turns right back around and activates the spawn channel for the trigger, removing it for the remainder of the game. That should result in the two doors desynced. But then you would somehow have to find a way to control both doors with one switch while they are listening on two different broadcast channels.

Messages In This Thread

Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/14/14 8:31 pm
     Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersPkmnrulz24011/14/14 8:40 pm
           ClarificationPkmnrulz24011/14/14 8:47 pm
                 Re: ClarificationDrDoctor11/14/14 8:57 pm
                       Re: ClarificationPkmnrulz24011/14/14 9:11 pm
                             Re: ClarificationDrDoctor11/14/14 9:19 pm
                                   Solution:Pkmnrulz24011/14/14 9:55 pm
                                         Re: Solution:Pkmnrulz24011/14/14 10:02 pm
     Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 9:03 pm
           Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/14/14 9:13 pm
                 Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 9:17 pm
                       Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/14/14 9:21 pm
                             Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 9:23 pm
                                   Way ahead of you.DrDoctor11/14/14 9:35 pm
                                         Re: Way ahead of you.Pkmnrulz24011/14/14 9:39 pm
                                   Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersPkmnrulz24011/14/14 10:20 pm
                                         Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersQuantum11/14/14 11:24 pm
                                         Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 11:28 pm
                                               Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/15/14 12:31 am
                                               Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersPkmnrulz24011/15/14 9:00 am
                                                     Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/15/14 5:15 pm
                                                           Eureka!DrDoctor11/15/14 10:30 pm

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