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Date: 11/14/14 8:47 pm
In Response To: Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgers (Pkmnrulz240)

: Not entirely sure I'm understanding what you're getting at here...

: If you're looking to open/close multiple doors with a single switch, just use
: a toggle switch (note: not toggle once), and set the broadcast channel for
: the switch and all the doors you want to be controlled by the switch to
: the same channel. So, if you switch is channel 2, set all your doors you
: want controlled by that switch to channel 2.

: If what you meant is that you have 2 doors, and you want the switch to always
: open one and close the other simultaneously... My best guess would be to
: have one "door" (or a block or whatever you're using) spawn at
: the start of the game. Have the other set to *not* spawn at the start
: (Advanced > Place at Start > False). Make sure both are able to
: despawn (Scripting > Can Despawn > True). Set the spawn channel to
: the same value for both of them. Set a toggle switch to the same channel.
: This way, when you toggle the switch, the "door" that spawned at
: the start of the game will despawn, and the "door" that did not
: spawn initially will spawn. Once you toggle the switch again, the opposite
: will happen, and you will once again have the initial spawn door and the
: other will be gone.

Sorry, to clarify for that last set of instructions: you would use the spawn channel for the "doors" as you are controlling their spawns, and the switch would be the broadcast channel still. It's really funky how it works, but an item will only broadcast a signal/state on its "broadcast" channel, but it can still be manipulated by any change in signal/state on its spawn channel, power channel, or broadcast channel.

And, of course, if people are in close proximity to a despawned door, it may not spawn when it's supposed to.

Messages In This Thread

Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/14/14 8:31 pm
     Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersPkmnrulz24011/14/14 8:40 pm
           ClarificationPkmnrulz24011/14/14 8:47 pm
                 Re: ClarificationDrDoctor11/14/14 8:57 pm
                       Re: ClarificationPkmnrulz24011/14/14 9:11 pm
                             Re: ClarificationDrDoctor11/14/14 9:19 pm
                                   Solution:Pkmnrulz24011/14/14 9:55 pm
                                         Re: Solution:Pkmnrulz24011/14/14 10:02 pm
     Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 9:03 pm
           Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/14/14 9:13 pm
                 Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 9:17 pm
                       Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/14/14 9:21 pm
                             Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 9:23 pm
                                   Way ahead of you.DrDoctor11/14/14 9:35 pm
                                         Re: Way ahead of you.Pkmnrulz24011/14/14 9:39 pm
                                   Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersPkmnrulz24011/14/14 10:20 pm
                                         Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersQuantum11/14/14 11:24 pm
                                         Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 11:28 pm
                                               Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/15/14 12:31 am
                                               Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersPkmnrulz24011/15/14 9:00 am
                                                     Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/15/14 5:15 pm
                                                           Eureka!DrDoctor11/15/14 10:30 pm

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