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Re: Clarification
Date: 11/14/14 9:11 pm
In Response To: Re: Clarification (DrDoctor)

: Thanks, yeah! I did think of that because I know you can change the starting
: state of those items but if I'm doing doors people will most likely be in
: the vicinity of the spawning object... :/ I tried something complex with
: timers and single on and off switches but... nothing so far.

What exactly isn't working? Do note that objects will not spawn/despawn via scripting in forge. In order to see this work, you need to exit forge and load the map in a custom game.

Messages In This Thread

Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/14/14 8:31 pm
     Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersPkmnrulz24011/14/14 8:40 pm
           ClarificationPkmnrulz24011/14/14 8:47 pm
                 Re: ClarificationDrDoctor11/14/14 8:57 pm
                       Re: ClarificationPkmnrulz24011/14/14 9:11 pm
                             Re: ClarificationDrDoctor11/14/14 9:19 pm
                                   Solution:Pkmnrulz24011/14/14 9:55 pm
                                         Re: Solution:Pkmnrulz24011/14/14 10:02 pm
     Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 9:03 pm
           Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/14/14 9:13 pm
                 Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 9:17 pm
                       Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/14/14 9:21 pm
                             Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 9:23 pm
                                   Way ahead of you.DrDoctor11/14/14 9:35 pm
                                         Re: Way ahead of you.Pkmnrulz24011/14/14 9:39 pm
                                   Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersPkmnrulz24011/14/14 10:20 pm
                                         Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersQuantum11/14/14 11:24 pm
                                         Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other Forgerspete_the_duck11/14/14 11:28 pm
                                               Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/15/14 12:31 am
                                               Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersPkmnrulz24011/15/14 9:00 am
                                                     Re: Hey pete_the_duck and other ForgersDrDoctor11/15/14 5:15 pm
                                                           Eureka!DrDoctor11/15/14 10:30 pm

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