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Re: Not a huge deal
By:General Vagueness
Date: 11/6/14 7:44 pm
In Response To: Re: Not a huge deal (Schooly D)

: In other words, Matchmaking had 10% more people than every other mode in
: Reach combined. Yes, that's big.

: But it's not just a question of numbers. It's a question of how much benefit
: is gained from spending resources on dedicated servers for each mode. In
: the case of campaign, theater, and forge, very little. In the case of
: custom games it varies (i.e. a dedicated server provides much more utility
: for a pro 4v4 scrimmage than General Vagueness shooting needles into a
: wall), but on balance it's not likely to be greater than the benefit to
: matchmaking.

I still disagree, but at least you're talking about reasons instead of saying it doesn't make sense and no one should have ever expected it. Now, benefit in terms of what? Is it in terms of player enjoyment? I don't know that we can assess that well for something as big and full-featured as this ahead of time. Is it in terms of money made through subscriptions? same issue.
I still don't see why people are acting like it's such an exclusive thing, why couldn't they have servers that run matchmaking and custom games and maybe campaign? They'd need more of them, obviously, but why this acting like they're separate? In this comment especially, talking about one thing having more benefit than another, surely both together would have more benefit?

Messages In This Thread

MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesDEEP NNN11/6/14 11:53 am
     So what's the problem?Revenant198811/6/14 12:58 pm
           Re: So what's the problem?General Vagueness11/6/14 2:17 pm
           Re: So what's the problem?DEEP NNN11/6/14 2:25 pm
                 Re: So what's the problem?Revenant198811/6/14 2:37 pm
                       Re: So what's the problem?General Vagueness11/6/14 3:40 pm
                             Re: So what's the problem?DEEP NNN11/6/14 4:05 pm
                                   Re: So what's the problem?CARDO 8 ATL11/6/14 4:51 pm
                 Re: So what's the problem?Bosticman11/6/14 3:10 pm
     Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesThe Loot11/6/14 1:01 pm
           Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesGeneral Vagueness11/6/14 2:18 pm
                 Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesHyokin11/6/14 3:05 pm
                       Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesthebruce011/7/14 9:37 am
                             Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesHyokin11/7/14 3:34 pm
                                   Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesthebruce011/10/14 10:46 am
     Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesMacGyver1011/6/14 4:16 pm
     Not a huge dealSchooly D11/6/14 5:35 pm
           Re: Not a huge dealGeneral Vagueness11/6/14 5:44 pm
                 Re: Not a huge dealSchooly D11/6/14 5:53 pm
                       Re: Not a huge dealGeneral Vagueness11/6/14 7:22 pm
           Re: Not a huge dealDEEP NNN11/6/14 6:31 pm
                 Re: Not a huge dealJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)11/6/14 7:15 pm
                       Re: Not a huge dealGeneral Vagueness11/6/14 7:30 pm
                 Re: Not a huge dealSchooly D11/6/14 7:19 pm
                       Re: Not a huge dealGeneral Vagueness11/6/14 7:44 pm
     Never assume anythingMoorpheusl911/6/14 5:58 pm
     You guys can't be serious.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)11/6/14 7:22 pm
           Re: You guys can't be serious.General Vagueness11/6/14 7:38 pm
           Re: You guys can't be serious.DEEP NNN11/6/14 8:05 pm
                 Re: You guys can't be serious.General Vagueness11/6/14 11:55 pm
                 Re: You guys can't be serious.Louis Wu11/7/14 12:14 am
                       Re: You guys can't be serious.munky-05811/7/14 10:11 am
                       Re: You guys can't be serious.General Vagueness11/7/14 10:50 am
     They didn't say custom game servers......robofin11711/6/14 9:30 pm
           Re: They didn't say custom game servers......General Vagueness11/7/14 12:14 am
     Y'all are a bunch of whinersIbeechu11/7/14 2:41 pm
           Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersRevenant198811/7/14 3:01 pm
                 Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersAvateur11/7/14 3:05 pm
                       Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersRevenant198811/7/14 4:02 pm
                             Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersGeneral Vagueness11/7/14 4:43 pm
                                   Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersRevenant198811/7/14 5:24 pm
                                         Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersAvateur11/7/14 5:27 pm
                                         Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersmunky-05811/7/14 5:29 pm
                                               Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersRevenant198811/7/14 5:39 pm
                                         Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersGeneral Vagueness11/7/14 8:20 pm
                                               Really.gamerguy200211/8/14 11:08 am
                                                     Re: Really.Hyokin11/8/14 12:08 pm
           Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersGeneral Vagueness11/7/14 4:41 pm

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