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Re: This entire argument is so stupid
Date: 6/23/14 1:59 pm
In Response To: Re: This entire argument is so stupid (Cody Miller)

: Maybe this will help explain why they are not cheating.

: Let's say you are playing a board game. You get a rule book, and in it are
: the possible actions you can take as a player, and what results from those
: actions and how those interact with other actions. The rulebook lays out
: the game for you and tells you what you can and can't do.

: Cheating would be making a move that is not permitted.

: However, you may find a series of permitted rules that interact in strange
: and powerful ways. As long as everything you do is permitted by the rules,
: you are not cheating.

: Video games are no different, except that instead of the rule book telling
: you what you can and can't do, the game code does. Provided all you are
: doing is pressing buttons and doing actions the game allows, you aren't
: cheating.

: I'd say the only exception I can think of is exploiting overflows to
: reprogram the game on the fly (such as in the Mario World snake / pong
: tas), since at that point the hardware is executing YOUR code, not the
: designer's. Same goes for making the game jump to memory addresses that
: were not possible with the original code.

I do think that there is a distinction though. Something like superbouncing is also technically a glitch in the code, but doing that during a matchmaking game is something that should be considered cheating. I think that as long as the thing you are doing doesn't give you an unfair advantage, it should be okay. BXR isn't unfair because it is something that literally everyone has the ability to do. Something like superbouncing is (I guess) something that everyone could do, but if you are the first person to do it, you immediately have a huge advantage over the other team for as long as you are outside of the map. This makes it cheating in my eyes. So I don't think that there should be a blanket viewpoint about it being okay if it's a part of the game code.

Messages In This Thread

6.19.14 Halo Bulletin (MCC Q&A)Kal6/20/14 9:13 am
     Backwash as an H2A map?ChrisTheeCrappy6/20/14 9:27 am
           Highly doubtfulChris101b6/21/14 10:45 pm
     Re: 6.19.14 Halo Bulletin (MCC Q&A)Jironimo6/20/14 10:24 am
     Confirmed: Button combos retained in Halo 2. :(Gravemind6/20/14 1:05 pm
           Re: Confirmed: Button combos retained in Halo 2. :serpx6/20/14 1:26 pm
           Damned if you do, damned if you don't *NM*UnrealCh13f6/20/14 3:48 pm
     Re: 6.19.14 Halo Bulletin (MCC Q&A)Moorpheusl96/20/14 1:34 pm
           Seems extremeChris101b6/21/14 10:50 pm
                 Re: Seems extremeThe BS Police6/22/14 9:14 am
                       Re: Seems extremeRevenant19886/22/14 1:17 pm
                             A storyKal6/22/14 1:56 pm
                                   Re: A storyPkmnrulz2406/22/14 6:15 pm
                                   Great Example *NM*Cody Miller6/22/14 7:30 pm
                       Re: Seems extremeGravemind6/22/14 4:41 pm
                             Re: Seems extremeKal6/22/14 5:20 pm
                                   Re: Seems extremeThe BS Police6/22/14 5:32 pm
                       Re: Seems extremeCody Miller6/22/14 7:27 pm
                             Re: Seems extremeThe BS Police6/22/14 7:37 pm
                                   Re: Seems extremeBanditORR6/22/14 7:43 pm
                                         Re: Seems extremeThe BS Police6/22/14 8:00 pm
                                               Re: Seems extremeBanditORR6/23/14 2:30 am
                                   Re: Seems extremeuberfoop6/22/14 7:49 pm
                                         Re: Seems extremeThe BS Police6/22/14 8:08 pm
                                               Re: Seems extremeuberfoop6/22/14 8:36 pm
                                               Re: Seems extremeCody Miller6/22/14 8:38 pm
                                   Re: Seems extremeChris101b6/22/14 11:55 pm
                                         This entire argument is so stupidAvateur6/23/14 12:01 am
                                               Re: This entire argument is so stupidChris101b6/23/14 12:32 am
                                                     Re: This entire argument is so stupidserpx6/23/14 9:11 am
                                                           Re: Exactly!Hyokin6/23/14 1:29 pm
                                                     Re: This entire argument is so stupidAvateur6/23/14 9:45 am
                                                           Re: This entire argument is so stupidCody Miller6/23/14 1:06 pm
                                                                 Re: This entire argument is so stupidChris101b6/23/14 1:59 pm
                                                                 Re: Let me tell you why you are wrongRevenant19886/23/14 2:44 pm
                                                                       Spot on *NM*Kal6/23/14 4:47 pm
                                                                       Re: Let me tell you why you are wrongAvateur6/24/14 12:36 am
                                                                             Re: Let me tell you why you are wrongRevenant19886/24/14 8:35 am
                                                                                   Re: Let me tell you why you are wrongMacGyver106/24/14 12:24 pm
                                                                                         Thank you Super Fooper, good stuffCARDO 8 ATL6/24/14 2:34 pm
                                                                                               Google Chrome you are messing with me. *NM*CARDO 8 ATL6/24/14 2:38 pm
                                                                                               The Fooper strikes again! *NM*thebruce06/24/14 7:28 pm
                                                                                               HBO: Thank you Super Fooper, good stuff *NM*ZackDark6/24/14 8:18 pm
                                                                 Re: This entire argument is so stupidMoorpheusl96/23/14 4:32 pm
                             Welcome back to conversations of the early 2000s! *NM*serpx6/22/14 10:57 pm
                                   Brings back so many beautiful memories :) *NM*Chris101b6/23/14 2:00 pm
                                   OMG I'm having flashbacks... *NM*RC Master6/23/14 3:06 pm
                                   BR starts FTW! *NM*squidnh36/23/14 4:15 pm
                       Re: Seems extremeSchooly D6/22/14 11:24 pm
     Join In ProgressRC Master6/20/14 3:26 pm
           Re: Join In Progressprofhalo6/20/14 4:46 pm
                 Re: Join In Progresspete_the_duck6/20/14 4:51 pm
                       Re: Join In ProgressAvateur6/20/14 10:59 pm
                 Re: Join In ProgressKal6/20/14 4:56 pm
                       "Xbox, surrender!" *NM*kornman006/20/14 5:10 pm
           Re: Join In ProgressThe BS Police6/20/14 5:53 pm
           Re: Join In ProgressPkmnrulz2406/20/14 6:23 pm
                 Re: Join In Progressserpx6/20/14 6:52 pm
                 Re: Join In Progresssquidnh36/20/14 7:29 pm
                       Re: Join In ProgressLouis Wu6/20/14 11:06 pm
                             Re: Join In ProgressPkmnrulz2406/20/14 11:43 pm
                       Re: Join In ProgressPkmnrulz2406/20/14 11:43 pm
           Re: Join In ProgressFyreWulff6/20/14 11:09 pm
     Haven't seen a comment regarding netcode...UnrealCh13f6/20/14 3:50 pm
     Co-op quittingkornman006/20/14 9:13 pm
           Re: Co-op quittingZackDark6/21/14 2:48 am
     Halo Bulletin: The We'll Have More Later Edition. *NM*Morpheus6/20/14 10:51 pm
     Hm, will the clan system be coming back for H2?Avateur6/20/14 10:52 pm
           Re: Hm, will the clan system be coming back for H2Pkmnrulz2406/20/14 11:45 pm
                 Re: Hm, will the clan system be coming back for H2DEEP NNN6/21/14 8:43 am
           Re: Hm, will the clan system be coming back for H2DEEP NNN6/21/14 9:03 am
                 Re: Hm, will the clan system be coming back for H2Avateur6/22/14 1:21 am
     Love those button combos. :)Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/21/14 12:11 am
           Re: Love those button combos. :)snakegriffin6/21/14 8:15 am
                 Re: Love those button combos. :)Pkmnrulz2406/21/14 8:27 am
                       Re: Love those button combos. :)Gravemind6/21/14 1:52 pm
                             Re: Love those button combos. :)Pkmnrulz2406/22/14 6:09 pm
                       Re: Love those button combos. :)Cody Miller6/22/14 8:42 pm
                 Re: Love those button combos. :)zofinda6/21/14 4:01 pm
                 Re: Love those button combos. :)Avateur6/22/14 1:22 am
     So, we may have to get our armor again.robofin1176/21/14 4:04 pm
     The biggest thing I want back from Halo 2...bluerunner6/22/14 4:57 pm
           Re: The biggest thing I want back from Halo 2...Chris101b6/22/14 11:56 pm

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