: I think they attempted something like that (though definitely not on the
: scale you describe) with Spartan Ops. That was slightly undercutting the
: 'major release' (with same engine) concept, but attempted to address the
: recurring storyline release using the existing engine... while trying to
: balance fun gameplay (ymmv) for the gamers.
: I'm on the fence about it.
: I'd love to see more from Spartan Ops; but I don't really care in what form
: it comes... just get more story out there. I wouldn't consider new
: releases with the same engine in short time scales a "major
: release" though. IMO it would be more like ODST; some might consider
: that a major release, but it really was more like a significant interim
: release with a slightly tweaked Halo 3 engine. That's the kind of
: short/interim release I'd love to see more of, while the major releases
: are being developed.
: Have a team work on campaign content with existing engines, a few developers
: to make minor tweaks to work with the release if necessary. Have another
: team do the heavy engine updates for use in new major releases.
: In so many words. Obviously more complicated than that. But that's what I'd
: like to see more of, personally.
From my point of view, I see that we mostly agree on advanced release schedules.