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Halo Forge Survey
Date: 1/7/14 10:45 pm

This is to fuel my couriosity and possibly to help inform 343 Industustries what we Like, Miss, and Want in future Halo Forge Modes. I realize that there have been dozens of other threads before this discussing Forge and it's short-comings and/or changes over the years. I do not wish to go that route with this thread. We are very blessed to even have Forge. And I feel we need to remind ourselves of that from time to time. I also feel we need to thank the game's many developers for their hard work and dedication to keep the mode alive and growing.

This is a pretty simple survey that expands among all Halo console games consisting of a Forge Mode. Halo on PC and Mac are exempt from this survey due to how big of a beast their map customization has become in comparison to their console counterpart. Mode, Hacks, and Glitches are also exempt from this survey. Now on to it we go.

1) List your favorite Forge Object or Group of Objects and why?
2) List your favorite map to Forge on and why. Please try to keep this answer simple and short.
3) List no more the three NEW changes you would like to see in future Forge modes.

I ask that you please not change your answers after posting. So please think about your answers before listing them. Also, please don't compare custom maps. Thank You All for taking part.

Messages In This Thread

Halo Forge SurveySEspider1/7/14 10:45 pm
     To get the ball rolling...SEspider1/7/14 11:48 pm
     Re: Halo Forge Surveybreitzen1/8/14 8:53 am
           Re: Halo Forge SurveySEspider1/8/14 2:25 pm
     Re: Halo Forge Surveydavidfuchs1/8/14 7:06 pm
           Re: Halo Forge SurveySEspider1/9/14 6:43 am
     Re: Halo Forge SurveyGeneral Vagueness1/9/14 1:53 am
           Re: Halo Forge SurveySEspider1/9/14 6:37 am
                 Re: Halo Forge SurveyFear_Of_Falling1/9/14 8:11 am
                       Sadly, yes :( *NM*SEspider1/9/14 4:24 pm
                 Re: Halo Forge SurveyGeneral Vagueness1/10/14 8:17 pm

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