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Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.
Date: 11/27/14 10:33 pm

: Yeah but the thing is, give it a few weeks and it will deliver what you
: expected. These issues are transient, they'll be fixed, and you're not
: being significantly disadvantaged by having to wait.

: You can go on all day about how you're entitled to what was hyped to you. But
: grow up, we never get what we want and it's useless filling up this board
: with complaints about it. This wasn't a deliberate strategy by 343i, you
: weren't conned into buying something you didn't expect. They made a
: mistake, and they're going to fix it.

That doesn't make the criticism any less valid. Most of these people aren't accusing 343 of conning them into buying a broken game. People are upset because core functionality was at an unacceptable level and it was further exhausted by the frustrating size of the fay one update that increased player investment in the game right before they discover that they're getting less than they expect. There are features of the game that are not there as were once promised (we were told MULTIPLAYER would be on dedicated servers whereas MATCHMAKING is but customs are not, for example). They used functioning multiplayer from every single game as a MAJOR selling point for the game. In fact it was probably the single most repeated bullet point in the games marketing. When a feature is used to sell the product, and said feature is then unusable, the entitlement is not brought on by the customer but given to the customer by the people selling the game. When someone spends their money and invests their time into something based on an advertised feature of the game they ARE entitled to receive what they pay for.

People here, while passionate, are often very level headed and well spoken when it comes to their words regarding halo and it's developers. I've seen few posts that really get melodramatic.

That said, I will add that claims that this was an obvious beta or that testing was brutally disregarded are probably based more in speculation than fact and I tend to give 343 the benefit of the doubt that SOME of the more major issues regarding matchmaking were not discovered in their testing environment. This was clearly beyond what they were expecting, in my eyes. Also, it can be tiring to see so much echo of the same sentiment. I'll ask you, however, to think again about whether or not it's a bunch of immature fanboys flaming the new developer for not being perfect or if it's a community of some of the most die-hard halo fans I've seen making their frustrations known because the halo name is important to them. Yes it's frustrating to see all the time, but the more 343 fixes the game, the less we'll see. Name-calling isn't wise or even deserved here.

Finally, it's not useless filling up this board. Many people from other halo communities come here as well members of 343. There is not one halo board on the internet that doesn't look similar in regards to the MCC and expecting this place to be different is foolish. It speaks to the nature of the product, not the sudden and complete immaturity of the entire fanbase.

Messages In This Thread

As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today...Rice11/27/14 5:38 am
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.PriorMarcus11/27/14 7:36 am
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Hyokin11/27/14 9:06 am
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.serpx11/27/14 10:55 am
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Metalingus62711/27/14 3:19 pm
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Pkmnrulz24011/27/14 7:58 am
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Apollo11/27/14 8:10 am
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Drdoctor11/27/14 12:04 pm
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Captain Spark11/27/14 12:49 pm
                 Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Apollo11/27/14 9:29 pm
                       Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.DrDoctor11/27/14 10:33 pm
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Avateur11/27/14 1:26 pm
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Gravemind11/27/14 3:24 pm
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Hyokin11/27/14 9:09 am
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.thebruce011/27/14 9:57 am
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Avateur11/27/14 1:22 pm
           Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.Rice11/28/14 12:04 am
                 Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.General Vagueness11/30/14 1:15 pm
     Re: As someone hopefully buying an Xbox One today.General Vagueness11/27/14 11:21 pm

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