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Re: "Evolution" in sci-fi
Date: 5/31/13 9:55 pm
In Response To: Re: "Evolution" in sci-fi (SEspider)

: "Evolution" is NOT a "well-established fact of nature" at
: all. That is if you are speaking of cross species evolving. There is no
: evidence of it. Scientist love to take tiny bone fragments (like just a
: tooth) and create a new creature from it and claim it to have existed with
: false documents and reports. Saying there are more white moths then black
: moths during the winter because they evolved and learned to change their
: color is just flat out stupid. They didn't evolve. The black moths simply
: stood out against the snow and ice, and therefore were picked off first by
: birds, lizards, and mammals. That's like saying the woodpecker evolved
: to..well peck wood at high speeds as they do. Saying so is the same as
: Lamarckian cliff as well. That is a TON of force being applied to the
: bird's head. By the time he learned to do it he'll either be too old to do
: it or dead before he learned how to. And don't get me started on a
: woodpecker's tongue.

: The ONLY "evolution" I believe in is the change of a species to
: it's own. Wolf to Pitbull, Lion to house Cat. Lizard to different lizard
: colors (because those that stood out were eaten). NOT Dinosaur to Chicken,
: or Monkey to Human. Just because there are similarities between species,
: that does NOT mean they are related nor that they came from one another.

Nope, evolution is is a real phenomenon. I recommend the Talk Origins FAQs and list of responses to common anti-evolution arguments, including the ones you mentioned. These pages outline the overwhelming evidence for evolution clearly and succinctly. But if you don't want to believe in it, feel free to try some mid-century antibiotics and see how well they work. ;)

: I have mixed feelings about this. In reality it MAY be possible. Keep in mind
: that Humans were around when the Librarian was around. She had medical
: records of billions of humans at her disposal. And those records/samples
: were used to repopulate Earth after the rings' activation. So she would
: have the ability to plant cells and recode a certain line of humans to do
: create what she needed.

I don't understand this at all. What would "planting cells" do? Do you mean genes? How would one do that?

: Okay, this is grasping for straws from the author here. Just because
: "white" guys are all we see in the videos, it in no way says
: that there were only white people at the time. And keep in mind that the
: Didact "de-evolved" the humans that were currently present. That
: just means that he blocked their memories and part of the brain usage.

Your explanation for "de-evolved" isn't in the Halo fiction at all. In the 4th Halo 4 terminal, Librarian said that Didact "reduced their genetics." This is biologically meaningless, because there is no order or progression of evolution, and more "complex" organisms (like humans) don't necessarily have longer, more complex genomes. Onions, for instance, have longer genomes than we do.

: Wesee him and the Librarian standing among them for crying out loud. BEFORE
: the rings were activated no less. And WHO says that early humans were all
: from Africa? There really is no solid proof of this anywhere in our
: history. Just proof that MANY traveled through Africa while others settled
: there.
:BTW, living in a location does NOT determine your race nor skin
: color. Staying outside or inside does. Just to use a simple example. There
: are plenty of people living in the North with dark skin.

See the Smithsonian's Human Origins page, for starters.

: I believe she was speaking in terms of Human Military strategy and thinking.
: Spartan 3s/4s are not raised from child hood to be fighters and to thus do
: not have the luxury of thinking on their feet as fast as Spartan 2s.
: Spartan 4s are basically just Spartan 1s with armor and MANY more
: argumentations. She sees them as a step backwards in what she was trying
: to achieve. She's mostly just mad that the Spartan 3s were not hand picked
: and that her program was stolen from her. By her own Spartans no less.

If this were so, why would she refer to the human species as a whole, rather than the improvements in spartan augmentation?

Messages In This Thread

"Evolution" in sci-fiDervish5/31/13 3:29 pm
     Re: "Evolution" in sci-fipadraig085/31/13 4:49 pm
           Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiDervish5/31/13 6:05 pm
                 It's not sci-fi, it's the Victorians.Leviathan6/1/13 11:48 am
     Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiscarab5/31/13 7:57 pm
           Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiQuirel5/31/13 10:24 pm
                 Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiGeneral Vagueness6/1/13 2:20 am
                 Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiscarab6/1/13 4:17 am
                       Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiQuirel6/3/13 1:33 am
                             Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiCHa0s6/4/13 2:43 am
                                   Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiGeneral Vagueness6/6/13 12:15 am
                                         Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiGeneral Vagueness6/6/13 12:40 am
                       Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiGeneral Vagueness6/5/13 11:24 pm
     Agreed *NM*RC Master5/31/13 7:59 pm
     Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiscarab5/31/13 8:03 pm
           Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiSEspider5/31/13 8:41 pm
     Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiSEspider5/31/13 8:32 pm
           Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiStephen L. (SoundEffect)5/31/13 8:50 pm
                 This *NM*CHa0s6/1/13 11:32 am
                 Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiCody Miller6/2/13 4:24 pm
                       Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiStephen L. (SoundEffect)6/2/13 4:47 pm
           Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiDervish5/31/13 9:55 pm
           Wow...RC Master6/1/13 9:13 am
                 Re: Wow...scarab6/1/13 11:03 am
           Re: "Evolution" in sci-fithebruce06/3/13 11:40 am
                 Smells like a logical fallacyscarab6/3/13 4:36 pm
                       Re: Smells like a logical fallacyscarab6/3/13 5:12 pm
                             Re: Smells like a logical fallacyMacGyver106/3/13 5:58 pm
                       Re: Smells like a logical fallacythebruce06/3/13 6:00 pm
                             Re: Smells like a logical fallacyuberfoop6/3/13 6:07 pm
                                   Re: Smells like a logical fallacythebruce06/3/13 8:08 pm
     Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiQuirel5/31/13 11:10 pm
     Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiAndrewSS026/1/13 4:43 am
           Re: "Evolution" in sci-fi *NM*AndrewSS026/1/13 4:49 am
           Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiscarab6/1/13 5:52 am
     Re: "Evolution" in sci-fiCHa0s6/1/13 12:06 pm
     I would like to emphasize the "sci-fi"serpx6/1/13 12:44 pm
           This :) *NM*thebruce06/3/13 11:52 am
           Re: I would like to emphasize the "sci-fi"Quirel6/4/13 1:35 am
                 Re: I would like to emphasize the "sci-fi"scarab6/4/13 1:41 pm
     A couple of partial defensesArithmomaniac6/2/13 1:02 pm
           Re: A couple of partial defensesRC Master6/2/13 4:00 pm
                 Re: A couple of partial defensesCody Miller6/2/13 4:19 pm
                 Re: A couple of partial defensesArithmomaniac6/2/13 7:38 pm
           Re: A couple of partial defensesCody Miller6/2/13 4:17 pm
                 Re: A couple of partial defensesGrimmire6/4/13 6:22 am
                       Re: A couple of partial defensesthebruce06/4/13 9:44 am
                       Re: A couple of partial defensesGeneral Vagueness6/6/13 12:38 am
     He added his email in the genome?!?CHa0s6/5/13 11:50 am

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