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Re: So Cortana's really dead, then
Date: 6/23/15 2:51 pm
In Response To: Re: So Cortana's really dead, then (davidfuchs)

: Oh I'm sure this Force ghost Cortana thing they've talked about in the demo
: will play a role, but that's a bit different from just having Halsey say
: "I got her out of the Domain" and handing Chief another chip. If
: she's going to come back fully it's got to be earned.

: It seems like 343 has learned from Bungie's mistakes with the Cortana moment
: so hopefully that aspect will be less frustrating.

ok, Real Talk. From a narrative perspective, Cortana (the character, the entity, the AI) coming back to her original consciousness after sacrificing herself or "dying" is weak. Like really weak.

Now I'm not against the character rising again, but something a little more creative than "we copied your memory files from the didact database."

Since we're talking about bringing back a character from the dead, let's use a comic book example. In this case, the Vision. In my mind, Cortana can never truly come back in her original form, and why would she? it was fragile, temporary, broken. If she truly merged with the Domain or emerged from it, she wouldn't be Cortana, but she wouldn't not be. She'd be something new, something borrowed, something blue.

Messages In This Thread

Revealing the Story of Halo 5: Guardians *SP*Grizzlei6/22/15 7:41 pm
     Re: Revealing the Story of Halo 5: Guardians *SP*VAVA Mk26/22/15 10:30 pm
     how does chief deal with his mammaries?Bounce-A-Gon6/22/15 10:36 pm
           Re: how does chief deal with his mammaries?Car156/23/15 1:11 am
     So Cortana's really dead, thendavidfuchs6/23/15 10:09 am
           Re: So Cortana's really dead, thenGrizzlei6/23/15 11:16 am
                 Re: So Cortana's really dead, thenArchilen6/23/15 11:41 am
                 Re: So Cortana's really dead, thenthebruce06/23/15 12:03 pm
                       Re: So Cortana's really dead, thendavidfuchs6/23/15 2:37 pm
                             Re: So Cortana's really dead, thenpadraig086/23/15 2:51 pm
                                   Re: So Cortana's really dead, thenthebruce06/23/15 3:32 pm

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