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Re: So Cortana's really dead, then
Date: 6/23/15 3:32 pm
In Response To: Re: So Cortana's really dead, then (padraig08)

: ok, Real Talk. From a narrative perspective, Cortana (the character, the
: entity, the AI) coming back to her original consciousness after
: sacrificing herself or "dying" is weak. Like really weak.

: Now I'm not against the character rising again, but something a little more
: creative than "we copied your memory files from the didact
: database."

: Since we're talking about bringing back a character from the dead, let's use
: a comic book example. In this case, the Vision. In my mind, Cortana can
: never truly come back in her original form, and why would she? it was
: fragile, temporary, broken. If she truly merged with the Domain or emerged
: from it, she wouldn't be Cortana, but she wouldn't not be. She'd be
: something new, something borrowed, something blue.

Agreed, it would be best more like a rebirth. AI Cortana was flawed, everyone knows about the issue with rampancy. So it's a narrative once again dealing with the concept of 'consciousness', as it were, or Life itself; defeating 'death', Cortana evolving to a new state of existence. Trope? Maybe. But I fully agree - if/when she comes back, it really needs to be done well in order to fly.

All I'm putting my money is that "Cortana" (as per the entity/consciousness with whom the Chief has a personal connection and relationship) is not gone from Halo.

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Revealing the Story of Halo 5: Guardians *SP*Grizzlei6/22/15 7:41 pm
     Re: Revealing the Story of Halo 5: Guardians *SP*VAVA Mk26/22/15 10:30 pm
     how does chief deal with his mammaries?Bounce-A-Gon6/22/15 10:36 pm
           Re: how does chief deal with his mammaries?Car156/23/15 1:11 am
     So Cortana's really dead, thendavidfuchs6/23/15 10:09 am
           Re: So Cortana's really dead, thenGrizzlei6/23/15 11:16 am
                 Re: So Cortana's really dead, thenArchilen6/23/15 11:41 am
                 Re: So Cortana's really dead, thenthebruce06/23/15 12:03 pm
                       Re: So Cortana's really dead, thendavidfuchs6/23/15 2:37 pm
                             Re: So Cortana's really dead, thenpadraig086/23/15 2:51 pm
                                   Re: So Cortana's really dead, thenthebruce06/23/15 3:32 pm

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