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Oh, and...
By:Louis Wu
Date: 6/19/15 11:41 am
In Response To: You are right. (profhalo)

: My bad, it did not say 'Req Card'. I just confused Pay-to-Win store
: exclusives with Pay-to-Win microtransactions.

: Ugh, this is becoming more and more disappointing.

: For those who want to see it, complete with advantage gaining weapon mods,

These are described as 'guaranteed exclusives' - but they're not exclusive at all. You can earn them in-game (from the req packs that drop while you play). What you get from Gamestop is the GUARANTEE that you get this laser sight - while what you get in-game is the CHANCE that this sight will drop in a req pack. They are NOT exclusives in the sense that they're only available to preorder folks.

Messages In This Thread

On H5 Req Packs...GrimBrother One6/17/15 12:30 am
     Re: On H5 Req Packs...Grizzlei6/17/15 12:40 am
           Exactly. *NM*GrimBrother One6/17/15 12:57 am
           One other thingGrizzlei6/17/15 1:13 am
           Re: On H5 Req Packs...zofinda6/17/15 8:08 am
     This sucks...munky-0586/17/15 1:28 am
           Re: This sucks...GrimBrother One6/17/15 1:41 am
     No, it fucking doesn't.Azo 'Galvat6/17/15 8:39 am
           Re: No, it fucking doesn't.Cody Miller6/19/15 2:03 pm
                 Re: No, it fucking doesn't.Azo 'Galvat6/20/15 12:25 am
     Nope.profhalo6/17/15 9:45 am
           Re: Nope.Apollo6/17/15 10:39 am
                 Re: Nope.zofinda6/17/15 11:03 am
                       Re: Nope.zofinda6/17/15 11:28 am
           Re: Nope.Bounce-A-Gon6/17/15 11:21 am
           More $$$ does not = more skill.Revenant19886/17/15 11:28 am
                 Re: More $$$ does not = more skill.General Vagueness6/17/15 4:38 pm
                       THIS.Louis Wu6/19/15 11:34 am
                             Re: THIS.Cody Miller6/19/15 1:59 pm
                                   Re: THIS.Louis Wu6/19/15 2:06 pm
                                         Re: THIS.Cody Miller6/19/15 2:13 pm
                                               Re: THIS.Louis Wu6/19/15 2:25 pm
                                               Re: THIS.The BS Police6/19/15 8:09 pm
                                               Re: THIS.munky-0586/20/15 3:07 am
                                                     Re: THIS.Cody Miller6/22/15 2:14 am
                                                           Re: THIS.The BS Police6/22/15 3:48 pm
                                               Re: Game Prices.Gravemind6/20/15 7:18 pm
                                                     Re: Game Prices.General Vagueness6/21/15 1:48 pm
                                   Re: THIS.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/19/15 2:35 pm
                             Not THISprofhalo6/19/15 2:58 pm
                                   Re: Not THISuberfoop6/19/15 3:12 pm
                                   Re: Not THISGeneral Vagueness6/19/15 3:13 pm
                                   Re: Not THISLouis Wu6/19/15 4:35 pm
                                         Re: Not THISprofhalo6/20/15 10:43 am
                                               Re: Not THISVincent6/20/15 12:26 pm
                                                     +1 *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/20/15 7:39 pm
                                                     -1profhalo6/21/15 4:02 pm
                                                           Re: -1Vincent6/21/15 6:30 pm
                                                                 Re: -1profhalo6/22/15 8:46 am
                                                                       Re: -1Louis Wu6/22/15 10:41 am
                                                                             Re: -1profhalo6/22/15 1:24 pm
                                                                                   Re: -1avatarofchaos6/22/15 1:42 pm
                                                                                         Re: -1profhalo6/22/15 4:30 pm
                                                                                               Re: -1The BS Police6/22/15 4:43 pm
                                                                                               Re: -1avatarofchaos6/22/15 5:03 pm
                                                           Re: -1General Vagueness6/21/15 7:36 pm
                                                                 Re: -1thebruce06/22/15 11:08 am
                                                           Re: -1avatarofchaos6/22/15 9:13 am
                                                                 This is a good postVincent6/22/15 9:53 am
                                                                 Refreshing postprofhalo6/22/15 1:39 pm
                                                                       Re: Refreshing postavatarofchaos6/22/15 2:12 pm
                                                                 Re: -1General Vagueness6/23/15 1:43 pm
           Clarificationsprofhalo6/17/15 12:08 pm
                 Re: ClarificationsChrisTheeCrappy6/17/15 12:16 pm
                       You are right.profhalo6/17/15 1:05 pm
                             Oh, and...Louis Wu6/19/15 11:41 am
                 Re: Clarificationskidtsunami6/17/15 10:40 pm
                       Re: ClarificationsThe Loot6/18/15 5:46 pm
                             a fallacy is will always be a fallacy *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/18/15 5:58 pm
                 Re: ClarificationsLouis Wu6/19/15 11:39 am
           Re: Nope.Cody Miller6/19/15 2:08 pm
                 Re: Nope.General Vagueness6/19/15 3:11 pm
                 Re: Nope.hunt3r6/19/15 6:03 pm
     Re: On H5 Req Packs...General Vagueness6/17/15 4:14 pm
     Unanswered Req questions...munky-0586/18/15 9:30 am
     Everytime I see the topic of REQ packagesThe BS Police6/22/15 4:49 pm
           +7Grizzlei6/22/15 5:00 pm
                 Are you allowed to skip +1, +2, +3, +4, +5 and +6? *NM*MacGyver106/22/15 6:02 pm
                       Who's gonna stop me?Grizzlei6/22/15 6:05 pm
                             Re: Who's gonna stop me?MacGyver106/22/15 6:18 pm
                                   haha *NM*Grizzlei6/22/15 6:20 pm
                             We're trying to help you. *NM*Quirel6/22/15 6:18 pm
           This *NM*Apollo6/22/15 9:09 pm
           Niceprofhalo6/23/15 8:27 am
                 Re: NiceThe BS Police6/24/15 12:34 am

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