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Re: Clarifications
By:Louis Wu
Date: 6/19/15 11:39 am
In Response To: Clarifications (profhalo)

: Having seen Gamestops Rec Card, I am just amazed at how everyone is ok with
: people using real world cash to buy a "Battle Rifle with Laser
: Targeter" that will "Improve overall weapon accuracy even when
: not using precision aiming".
: That seems fair?
: That seems like something that should be in Halo?

The way the system actually works keeps this from being an issue, really.

The guy who bought that gun won't be able to use it until he's reached whatever power level is needed to requisition it. And then he only gets to use it until he dies. He can't grab another one (which ALSO cost him money) until that meter fills again. In the meantime, you've called down a rocket launcher that you didn't have to pay for... and his tiny advantage due to the laser sight is overwhelmed by your far bigger gun (or your teammates' Banshee, or the Warthog someone called in a few minutes ago, or whatever).

The overall effect of that laser sight MIGHT be an extra kill or two. (Probably not. Probably less than that.) Warzone games are 18 minutes long, and though I only PLAYED one game, I watched a bunch - NONE of them were won by a kill or two. It might happen - but it ain't gonna be common.

Messages In This Thread

On H5 Req Packs...GrimBrother One6/17/15 12:30 am
     Re: On H5 Req Packs...Grizzlei6/17/15 12:40 am
           Exactly. *NM*GrimBrother One6/17/15 12:57 am
           One other thingGrizzlei6/17/15 1:13 am
           Re: On H5 Req Packs...zofinda6/17/15 8:08 am
     This sucks...munky-0586/17/15 1:28 am
           Re: This sucks...GrimBrother One6/17/15 1:41 am
     No, it fucking doesn't.Azo 'Galvat6/17/15 8:39 am
           Re: No, it fucking doesn't.Cody Miller6/19/15 2:03 pm
                 Re: No, it fucking doesn't.Azo 'Galvat6/20/15 12:25 am
     Nope.profhalo6/17/15 9:45 am
           Re: Nope.Apollo6/17/15 10:39 am
                 Re: Nope.zofinda6/17/15 11:03 am
                       Re: Nope.zofinda6/17/15 11:28 am
           Re: Nope.Bounce-A-Gon6/17/15 11:21 am
           More $$$ does not = more skill.Revenant19886/17/15 11:28 am
                 Re: More $$$ does not = more skill.General Vagueness6/17/15 4:38 pm
                       THIS.Louis Wu6/19/15 11:34 am
                             Re: THIS.Cody Miller6/19/15 1:59 pm
                                   Re: THIS.Louis Wu6/19/15 2:06 pm
                                         Re: THIS.Cody Miller6/19/15 2:13 pm
                                               Re: THIS.Louis Wu6/19/15 2:25 pm
                                               Re: THIS.The BS Police6/19/15 8:09 pm
                                               Re: THIS.munky-0586/20/15 3:07 am
                                                     Re: THIS.Cody Miller6/22/15 2:14 am
                                                           Re: THIS.The BS Police6/22/15 3:48 pm
                                               Re: Game Prices.Gravemind6/20/15 7:18 pm
                                                     Re: Game Prices.General Vagueness6/21/15 1:48 pm
                                   Re: THIS.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/19/15 2:35 pm
                             Not THISprofhalo6/19/15 2:58 pm
                                   Re: Not THISuberfoop6/19/15 3:12 pm
                                   Re: Not THISGeneral Vagueness6/19/15 3:13 pm
                                   Re: Not THISLouis Wu6/19/15 4:35 pm
                                         Re: Not THISprofhalo6/20/15 10:43 am
                                               Re: Not THISVincent6/20/15 12:26 pm
                                                     +1 *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/20/15 7:39 pm
                                                     -1profhalo6/21/15 4:02 pm
                                                           Re: -1Vincent6/21/15 6:30 pm
                                                                 Re: -1profhalo6/22/15 8:46 am
                                                                       Re: -1Louis Wu6/22/15 10:41 am
                                                                             Re: -1profhalo6/22/15 1:24 pm
                                                                                   Re: -1avatarofchaos6/22/15 1:42 pm
                                                                                         Re: -1profhalo6/22/15 4:30 pm
                                                                                               Re: -1The BS Police6/22/15 4:43 pm
                                                                                               Re: -1avatarofchaos6/22/15 5:03 pm
                                                           Re: -1General Vagueness6/21/15 7:36 pm
                                                                 Re: -1thebruce06/22/15 11:08 am
                                                           Re: -1avatarofchaos6/22/15 9:13 am
                                                                 This is a good postVincent6/22/15 9:53 am
                                                                 Refreshing postprofhalo6/22/15 1:39 pm
                                                                       Re: Refreshing postavatarofchaos6/22/15 2:12 pm
                                                                 Re: -1General Vagueness6/23/15 1:43 pm
           Clarificationsprofhalo6/17/15 12:08 pm
                 Re: ClarificationsChrisTheeCrappy6/17/15 12:16 pm
                       You are right.profhalo6/17/15 1:05 pm
                             Oh, and...Louis Wu6/19/15 11:41 am
                 Re: Clarificationskidtsunami6/17/15 10:40 pm
                       Re: ClarificationsThe Loot6/18/15 5:46 pm
                             a fallacy is will always be a fallacy *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/18/15 5:58 pm
                 Re: ClarificationsLouis Wu6/19/15 11:39 am
           Re: Nope.Cody Miller6/19/15 2:08 pm
                 Re: Nope.General Vagueness6/19/15 3:11 pm
                 Re: Nope.hunt3r6/19/15 6:03 pm
     Re: On H5 Req Packs...General Vagueness6/17/15 4:14 pm
     Unanswered Req questions...munky-0586/18/15 9:30 am
     Everytime I see the topic of REQ packagesThe BS Police6/22/15 4:49 pm
           +7Grizzlei6/22/15 5:00 pm
                 Are you allowed to skip +1, +2, +3, +4, +5 and +6? *NM*MacGyver106/22/15 6:02 pm
                       Who's gonna stop me?Grizzlei6/22/15 6:05 pm
                             Re: Who's gonna stop me?MacGyver106/22/15 6:18 pm
                                   haha *NM*Grizzlei6/22/15 6:20 pm
                             We're trying to help you. *NM*Quirel6/22/15 6:18 pm
           This *NM*Apollo6/22/15 9:09 pm
           Niceprofhalo6/23/15 8:27 am
                 Re: NiceThe BS Police6/24/15 12:34 am

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