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If I remember correctly, Quirel hates Star Trek, partly because it puts more focus on interpersonal stuff than believable science and technology, so I don't think that'll get you anywhere. I agree though that that has historically been a domain of science fiction and there's value in using it that way.
: Science fiction is more than just technology. It is fantasy. It's Man Vs
: Something wrapped up in a variety of degrees of technological and
: fantastical environments, depending on how 'advanced' or future-placed you
: want to get. Science-fiction doesn't imply any level of feasibility except
: that it is "fiction" based on "science". Some might
: argue that if there's any way to conceptualize something
: Naturalistically, then it can be quantified as science-fiction.
I would disagree there. Science fiction is a broad thing that encompasses things that lean more toward science or more toward fiction or fantasy. I think more and more that "speculative fiction" really is the best term for a lot of stuff out there, because there is so much variation in science fiction and fantasy, and so much of it isn't really important to the stories told.