: I admit, though, I'm nonplussed as to what ONI's endgame is here. The bit
: about boxing doesn't actually strike me as a sloppy oversight, but the
: rest of it does seem too loose for an ONI op. Which makes me think their
: idea is to have Ben come across the real story, and make it think it was
: all his doing. That works as a narrative, but I'm not sure why they'd
: choose to have it come out this way? Parangosky's speech to Halsey in
: Glasslands could be just taken as just twisting the knife against a foe,
: but the rest of the K5 trilogy makes me think that she intended to
: publicly reveal the Spartan Program to clear the way for Osman. We
: obviously don't know what happened between 2553 and the events of Halo 4
: and afterwards, so the true nature of the Spartan program apparently isn't
: common knowledge like I assumed it would be. But what is to be gained by
: ONI making themselves the bad guys, if only by the coverup?
I like the idea of plans within plans, so ONI covering-up a cover-up just sloppily enough for a well-connected 3rd-party reporter to eventually break through sounds just like the thing I'd like ONI to do.