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Re: There's an episode of DS9 that 343 NEEDS to wa
Date: 12/29/14 3:22 pm

Is there any indication that these ships are redesigns of pre-existing elements or that they might be newer designs that one would have possibly never hoped to see in Halo: Combat Evolved with its sole visually depicted Covenant vessel?

There's more to a fleet than carriers and battlecruisers and nothing to suggest that these ships are frontline-vessels that would usurp the standard Covenant fleet composition to which we have known for years. It's kinda jumping the gun a little, especially considering that with the notable exception of Forward Unto Dawn, 343i seems to have taken few totally drastic liberties with the designs of starships. So much so that a light cruiser variant was merely a scaled down original CCS and the Phantom was simply given a new type number for Halo 4. Other things have been seriously remodeled and with little explanation or need, but it seems like you're going a little overboard with this at the moment.

Messages In This Thread

There's an episode of DS9 that 343 NEEDS to watch.Rice12/29/14 3:05 pm
     Re: There's an episode of DS9 that 343 NEEDS to waGrizzlei12/29/14 3:22 pm
     Who killed batman's father?Cody Miller12/29/14 3:44 pm
           Re: Who killed batman's father?Grizzlei12/29/14 4:01 pm
           Here's the thing.Nikko B20112/29/14 4:06 pm
           Re: Who killed batman's father?ArteenEsben12/29/14 4:31 pm
                 Re: Who killed batman's father?Azo 'Galvat12/29/14 4:45 pm
                       Relevantrhubarb12/29/14 4:57 pm
                             Re: So...Hyokin12/29/14 11:48 pm
                                   Re: So...Gravemind12/30/14 3:42 am
                                         Re: So...Quirel12/30/14 4:09 am
           Cody thinks 343's Halo was meant to be a reboot *NM*Ibeechu12/30/14 1:38 pm
     I'm loving Halo 5, but..Metalingus62712/30/14 10:42 am

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